
Joe Biden’s Pick For Department Of Energy Is Drag Queen Into ‘Pup Play’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The clown car known as the administration of President Joe Biden has a new, high level, hire to the Department of Energy.

Sam Brinton, a drag queen and proponent of a sexual activity known as “pup play” announced his hiring on his Linkedin page.

“I have accepted the offer to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. In this role I’ll be doing what I always dreamed of doing, leading the effort to solve the nation’s nuclear waste challenges.” Brinton said, noting that he would “even be (to my knowledge) the first gender-fluid person in federal government leadership.”

His profile reads “Solving the World’s #NuclearWaste Challenges and Protecting LGBTQ Youth from #ConversionTherapy.”


PJ Media reported:

Brinton is also involved in “puppy play,” which apparently involves grown men putting on dog masks and behaving like animals for sexual kicks. In a 2016 article in Metro Weekly, a man named Sam, with no last name given is interviewed at length; an accompanying photo makes it clear that Sam is Sam Brinton. Brinton is identified in the article as a “handler” of the men pretending to be puppies, and explains: “It’s the concept of the teacher and nurturer…. My job is to make sure that while he’s in the headspace, I’m keeping him safe.” He says of one of his companions in this bizarre role-playing: “Pup and I have what I feel is one of the most ideally perfect connections between our personal and kink life. Both of us have other partners, so we come into this space, and then we come out of it, knowing the boundaries of where your kink and non-kink relationships begin and end.” Yeah, good to know.

“I actually have trouble when we transition from pup play to having sex. Like, ‘No, I can’t have you whimper like that when we’re having sex,’ because I don’t want to mix that world. It’s interesting because he doesn’t have to come out of pup mode to have me f**k him. I personally have to bring him out of pup perception for me. But then I’m still treating him as a submissive to me,” he said in the story.


“One of the hardest things about being a handler is that I’ve honestly had people ask, ‘Wait, you have sex with animals?’ They believe it’s abusive, that it’s taking advantage of someone who may not be acting up to a level of human responsibility … The other misperception is that I have some really messed up the background, like, did I have some horrible childhood trauma that made me like to have sex with animals,” he said.

Sam’s bio on his website reads:

Whether they are walking the halls of Congress to help educate the Hill on the differences in advanced nuclear reactors or belting out their favorite tunes with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC, it is hard to miss Sam Brinton’s passion for changing the world – and potentially their stilettos.

Sam is an ardent activist against the dangerous and discredited practices of conversion therapy. Their work sometimes takes the form of conversations at universities across the country to share their experiences and to educate on how to pass legislation banning the practice. They have spoken before the United Nations, Google Headquarters, and Congress, and have also been featured in interviews with the New York Times, TIME, MSNBC, Huffington Post, Washington Post, The Guardian, and many others.

You might not expect a nuclear engineering graduate from MIT to be strolling through the White House in stilettos, but that is part of the reason Sam does it. Having a chat on preconceptions is right up their alley. Whether it’s on technical topics or social issues like supporting LGBT survivors of conversion therapy, Sam is always willing to have tough conversations with an open mind.

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