
Top Trump Adviser Dick Morris: ‘Will He Run in 2024? You Bet He Will’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Political consultant Dick Morris, who used to work for former President Bill Clinton’s team, believes he knows the answer to whether or not former President Donald Trump will campaign for the presidency again in 2024.

“Will he run in 2024? You bet he will. Will he be the GOP nominee? Absolutely. Will he win the election? Yes,” he said in his quick reading strategy book obtained by The Washington Examiner.

“Our candidate in 2024 will be, and must be, Donald J. Trump. Accept no substitutes. Only he can put together the coalition that generated 74 million votes in 2020. And we don’t want a bleached-out, kinder, nicer, gentler Donald Trump, either! We want and need the same Donald Trump who won in 2016, increased his vote share in 2020 by eleven million votes, and in between, was one of our truly great presidents,” he said.

He would have the inside knowledge as he was a secret advisor to President Trump in 2020 and continues to talk to him.

“I have spoken with the former president dozens of times since he left office, and our conversations were always either about how he was cheated in 2020, or how he would get back in 2024. He has never, for a moment, taken his eye off the ball — getting back in the White House!” he said.

He said that the former president’s biggest mistake was taking on the media.

“His most serious error was to incur the wrath of the media,” he said.

The author believes that the former president can win if he reminds people that, before President Joe Biden became president, illegal immigration, crime and the economy were in check.


“Each of the three has the same unique feature: none was a problem under Donald Trump, and all emerged as serious issues on the day that Biden was inaugurated,” he said.

But, he said, there will not be a new, kinder and gentler Trump in 2024.

“Trump is Trump. Like it or lump it. He’ll never change, and I came to realize that his manner could not be divorced from his successful outcomes. Change one, and you would forfeit the other,” the author said.

In a hint of what his 2024 strategy would be, he drew inspiration from the late Frank Perdue.

“We looked to Frank Perdue for guidance. If he could persuade America that it took a tough man to make a tender chicken, perhaps we could make the point that it took one to make a good president,” the author said.

He said that Trump would rely on building his base with Hispanic voters to win in 2024.

“Trump’s political power is rooted in his unique ability to attract, as no other American political figure can, two key groups of swing voters who became part of his core constituency: white high-school-educated voters and Hispanic-American patriots,” he said.

“Can he win? Not only can he win, he will win, and nobody else can. As surely as he was our 45th president, he will be our 47th as well!” he said.

And when it comes to Hispanic voters, the first lady did not do her husband any favors on Monday.


“[Raul Yzaguirre] helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bogedas of The Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength,” she said.

The ridicule came immediately.

“Once again, Dr. Jill Biden butchers the Spanish language in furtherance of pandering to a client constituency (the org FKA National Council of La Raza). I hereby bless your timelines with Dr. Jill’s rendering of ‘bodega,’” Jorge Bonilla of the Media Research Center said.

“Imagine the regime media meltdown if a conservative called Hispanics ‘breakfast tacos’ like Dr. Jill Biden did at the Latinx Luncheon today. Democringe,” Christina Pushaw said.

“Liberal privilege is Jill Biden telling a group of Hispanic people that they’re “as diverse as breakfast tacos” and not being canceled for it,” Tim Young said.

“From the same family that brought you, ‘I don’t want my kids growing up in a ‘racial jungle’ …and ‘You can’t go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent’ …comes today’s hot new racist hit, ‘Hispanics are as diverse as breakfast tacos,” he said.

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