
Baier Reveals 4 Harris Staffers Waved Arms Pleading to End Fox Interview


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Fox News anchor Bret Baier held his highly anticipated interview on Wednesday with Vice President Kamala Harris and it did not pull any punches.

Harris repeatedly sidestepped questions about her record, including when Baier pressed her about her administration’s record on immigration. Harris constantly ignored questions and instead attacked former President Donald Trump numerous times.

Baier also revealed that toward the end of the contentious conversation, four Kamala Harris staffers waved their arms, pleading to end the interview.

“You know, I’m talking like four people waving their hands like, ‘it’s gotta stop!’” Baier told the panel.

“I had to dismount there at the end. There are so many things, and she maybe should do more of these,” Baier said, describing the chaotic ending to his interview of Harris.

“Madam Vice President, they’re giving me a hard wrap,” Baier said to Harris when ending the interview. He had noted multiple times that staffers were motioning to end the interview.

Baier also said that the campaign was using tricks to “ice the kicker,” which could mean Baier.

“We were supposed to start at 5 P.M. and we — this was the time they gave us,” he said after the interview.


“Originally we were going to do 25 or 30 minutes. They came in and said maybe 20. So it was already getting whittled down. And then the Vice President showed up about 5:15. We were pushing the envelope to be able to turn it around” in time for the scheduled airing.


Baier grilled Harris about how many illegal immigrants the Biden administration had let into the country since they took office more than three years ago to start the interview.

“Well, I’m glad you raised the issue of immigration, because I agree with you,” Harris responded. “It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have. And you know what I’m going to talk about-”

“But just a number,” Baier pressed. “Do you think it’s 1 million? 3 million?”

“Bret, let’s just get to the point, ok?” Harris said. “The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired.”

Baier said DHS believes that 6 million illegal aliens had been let into the country. He then asked her about the decision by the Biden administration to undo policies from the Trump administration, such as “Remain in Mexico,” and how that decision is connected to the release of violent criminals.

“So looking back, do you regret the decision to terminate Remain in Mexico at the beginning of your administration?” Baier asked.

The “Special Report” host then talked about the high-profile killings of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Laken Riley. All three were killed by dangerous illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. during the Biden administration.

“This is a specific policy decision by your administration to release these men into the country,” Baier said. “So what I’m saying to you, do you owe those families an apology?”

“Let me just say- first of all, those are tragic cases. There’s no question about that. There’s no question about that,” Harris said. “And I can’t imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced for a loss that should not have occurred. So that is true. It is also true that if [the border security bill] had actually been passed nine months ago, it would be nine months that we would have had more border agents at the border, more support for the folks who are working around the clock trying to hold it all together to ensure that no future harm would occur.”

“Madam Vice President, it was a policy decision in the early part of your administration,” Baier later pressed before turning to testimony from Jocelyn Nungaray’s mother, who said the Biden-Harris administration was responsible for her daughter’s murder.


“So do you owe them an apology is what I’m saying,” Baier again asked.

“I will tell you that I’m so sorry for her loss. I’m so sorry for her loss. Sincerely. But let’s talk about what is happening right now with an individual who does not want to participate in solutions,” Harris responded. “Let’s talk about that as well. In all fairness, I told you I feel awful for what she and her family have experienced.”

“You said repeatedly that the border was secure, when in your mind, did it start becoming a crisis?” Baier then asked.

“We’ve had a broken immigration system transcending, by the way, Donald Trump’s administration, even before. Let’s all be honest about that,” Harris said. “I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I’ve been clear. I think we all know that it needs to be fixed. We need more- I was just down at the border talking with border agents… we need more judges. We need to process those cases faster. We need the support for cases that should be prosecuted. They need more resources, and Congress, ultimately, is the only place that that’s going to get fixed, Bret. That’s how this system works.”

Baier asked Harris if she still supports transgender surgeries for illegal aliens in jail that are paid for by taxpayers. Harris quickly switched the subject to Trump.


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