
Biden Causes New Concerns During Call Into Harris HQ


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

President Joe Biden, who has not been seen in public since last week and certainly not since he announced via social media that he would end his reelection bid, triggered new health concerns when he called into now-Vice President Kamala Harris’ HQ on Monday to show his support for her candidacy.

“I know yesterday’s news was surprising and it was hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do,” Biden told his former campaign staffers in Wilmington, Del. “I know it’s hard because you’ve poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this thing, help me get this nomination, help me win the nomination and then go on to win the presidency.”

Biden, who called from his home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., said, “I think we made the right decision.” He added: “The name has changed at the top of the ticket, but the mission hasn’t changed at all.”

“And by the way, I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna be out there on the campaign with her, with Kamala. I’m going to be working like hell, both as a sitting president, getting legislation passed, as well as in campaigning,” Biden said, according to the New York Post. “You know what? We still need to save this democracy and Trump is still a danger to the community, he’s a danger to the nation.”

Biden added: “I’ll be doing whatever Kamala wants me or needs me to do.”


But, according to sources, it was the manner in which Biden spoke that was alarming. Biden’s voice, in a video of the call obtained by The Post, was raspy and his speech somewhat slurred, potentially indicating an advanced state of dementia or other mental decline.

Harris was at the HQ to assure about 300 donors that all is well and the campaign to keep the White House in November is on track, but some who spoke to The New York Times on condition of anonymity said the event did little to change minds.

“I will start by sharing something with all of you, something I believe in my heart of hearts. It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave. And tell your friends, too. We are going to win this election,” she said, according to one source.

The Times added:

Some listeners said they did find Ms. Harris’s delivery to be strong, even if it offered little reassurance, and did not place the blame on her. And some of the donors who were disappointed with the call had preexisting concerns about Mr. Biden’s candidacy, which is why they had requested the briefing.

After the call, one group that had promoted it in advance apologized to its members for having done so.


“Not surprisingly, there was no news generated on this call, and instead, it was a pitch for donors to continue to invest in groups on the ground who are working to defeat Donald Trump,” said an email shared with the Times from Corridor Partners, a group that advises donors focused on climate issues. “The vice president spoke very briefly and encouraged us all to keep working hard to win in November.”

It added: “The call was not productive, and we wanted to apologize to each of you who joined for sharing that invitation.”

One listener who was unmuted could be heard describing the entire call as “ludicrous,” according to a source who spoke to the Times.

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