
Biden Campaign, Democrat Donors Appear to Concede Major Swing State To GOP


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The Biden campaign and Democratic donors do not appear to be willing to spend much time and money trying to win Georgia in next year’s presidential race, even though Joe Biden won the state in 2020 and both senators are now Democrats.

The New York Times reported on Friday that Cliff Albright, executive director of the Black Voters Matter Fund, told the publication his impression from “Democratic donors and party leaders” is that Georgia is “not, like, first tier,” adding that “some early indications are that it’s not going to get top-level prioritization.”

The left-leaning organization he co-founded “spent more than $1 million to oppose former Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in 2020, and nearly $400,000 to elect Democratic Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff,” the Tennessee Star reported, citing the NY Times.

Democratic donor and Democracy in Color founder Steve Phillips, who backed two-time Georgia gubernatorial loser Stacey Abrams early on and who remains a supporter, echoed Albright’s observations.

“For some inexplicable reason, a lot of people are leaving Georgia out of the top tier of states to focus on next year,” Phillips told the NYTHe added that “top donors” and “different advisors to billionaires” are telling him they “have a top tier list of five states, and Georgia is not in it.”


The Times added:

The national money that once flowed freely from Democratic groups to help win pivotal Senate contests in Georgia has been slow in coming. Leading organizers, just over a month from the anticipated start of their initiatives to mobilize voters for the presidential election, say they are confronting a deep sense of apathy among key constituencies that will take even more resources to contend with.

A series of recent polls show that Biden is now trailing the prospective 2024 GOP nominee, former President Donald Trump, in several swing states.

According to a new PRRI Research/Ipsos survey late last month, for example, Trump glided past Biden in some of the most important swing states, roughly a year out from the 2024 election. The poll found Biden edging past Trump in a national two-person race, 48–46 percent, with 6 percent saying they did not prefer either candidate, according to Breitbart News.

“However, Trump has a clear advantage over Biden in key swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, leading Biden by a difference of six points—49 percent to the 80-year-old’s 43 percent,” the outlet added, citing the survey’s results.


Previous surveys have also shown Trump leading Biden in the critical swing states, including Georgia.

Voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were polled by Bloomberg/Morning Consult, and their results showed that Trump was ahead of Biden by 4 percentage points due to widespread disapproval of the vice president’s handling of the economy.

Trump has a 5-point lead over Biden in Georgia, a 4-point lead over Biden in Arizona, a 2-point lead in Wisconsin, a 1-point lead in Wisconsin, and a 1-point lead in Pennsylvania. According to the survey, Biden is ahead of Trump by three points in Nevada, and the two candidates are neck and neck in Michigan.

In the seven swing states, 49% of voters said Bidenomics was bad for the economy. This is the term the White House has used to describe Vice President Joe Biden’s economic agenda.

In those seven states, 46% of undecided voters think Bidenomics is bad for the economy, while 41% either don’t know enough about it or have no opinion.

Politico noted on Saturday that “Trump’s vote share in national polls is higher than at any time in the past year” because “Biden’s poll numbers keep getting worse.”

Trump is also now leading Biden in a major national survey — NBC News — for the first time, another huge signal that the current commander-in-chief is in trouble politically heading into next year’s election.

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