
Texas Lawmaker Rips Biden Over ‘Impeachable’ Offenses, Urges Gov. Abbott to Start ‘Disregarding’ Him


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

An angry Texas Republican blasted President Joe Biden, arguing he has committed “impeachable” offenses will urging GOP Gov. Greg Abbott “to start disregarding” him amid a worsening migrant crisis.

Rep. Chip Roy said in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson Biden ought to be impeached for refusing to deal with the situation along his state’s border with Mexico, as more than a million migrants have crossed into the U.S. illegally since the president’s January inauguration.

“This is happening right now, and this president does not care. Article four, section four guarantees us a republican form of government and that the president and the federal government is supposed to protect us from invasion,” Roy told Carlson.

“He is failing, and he is willfully disregarding his duty to enforce the laws of the United States and faithfully execute the laws of the United States,” Roy continued.

“Not only is it impeachable, but I believe that the governor of Texas ought to start disregarding this president and start taking into our own hands in Texas the need to secure the border of the United States for the welfare of the people,” Roy added.

“Not just us, but the migrants getting abused in the name — in the false name of compassion by Democrats who like to pat themselves on the back,” the Texas Republican continued.


Roy’s comments come amid reports that a mass of more than 10,000 mostly Haitian migrants have gathered under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, over the past 10 days, with thousands more reportedly on the way.

Drone footage shot exclusively by Fox News showed a ‘tent city’ of migrants Thursday, with additional footage being aired on the network Friday as well, which caused major pushback from the network’s pundits as well as other Texas Republicans.

Sen. Ted Cruz railed at President Joe Biden and his administration in a video shot underneath the bridge earlier this week.

“The reason they’re here is simple,” Cruz says in the video, which then pans the area behind him, showing a mass of migrants. “Eight days ago, the Biden administration made a political decision, a political decision to cancel deportation flights to Haiti. They did that on September 8th. Eight days later these numbers appear.”

“On September 8th, underneath this bridge, there were between 700 and a thousand people,” Cruz noted further. “But when the word got out that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were no longer deporting people that came from Haiti, suddenly everyone was here, called their friends, called their family, and the numbers surged to 10,503. That’s what’s here today. It is more than the capacity of the Border Patrol to handle.”

“This is the result of a political decision,” Cruz noted further. “This is the result that is indefensible. What we are seeing here, is wrong. This is inhumane and this is entirely caused by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”

On Saturday, the Biden administration announced that it would resume deportation flights as pressure mounted to do something in response to the new Haitian migrant crisis, as USA Features News reported:

The Biden administration has been forced to respond to a crisis involving more than 10,000 Haitian migrants who crossed illegally from Mexico and assembled under and around a bridge in Del Rio, Texas.


Following reports and video footage showing thousands of mostly Haitian migrants setting up a tent city and casually walking across a dam to enter the U.S., the Defense Department announced late Friday it would begin flying the migrants back to Haiti.

The report said that anywhere from five to eight flights per day would resume, likely beginning on Sunday, after they had previously been suspended.

Also, immigration officials shut down the international bridge leading into Del Rio from Mexico.

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection today announced that the Office of Field Operations (OFO) Del Rio Port of Entry will temporarily close and re-route traffic from Del Rio to Eagle Pass to more effectively manage resources and ensure uninterrupted flow of trade and travel,” the agency noted in a statement.
