
Biden Campaign Launches $30 Million Ad Spend In Battleground States As Trump Surges


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The campaign of President Joe Biden appears to finally be taking former President Donald Trump’s surges in battleground states seriously, as officials announced a massive ad buy in those states.

The Biden campaign is launching a six-week, $30 million ad blitz in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina, according to Politico.

The ad campaign seeks to highlight various Biden initiatives concerning “climate change” and abortion while also addressing concerns regarding the president’s mental acuity. The campaign mirrors a broader administration push to garner support among black Americans and young people, especially as the president trails behind Trump in the polls.

According to Politico, the ad campaign promotes five key Biden talking points, which include the COVID-19 recovery, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, the bipartisan infrastructure deal, efforts against “climate change,” and safeguarding abortion rights.

Political consultant Patrick Bonsignore of Blue Sky Strategy, who previously served as the director of Paid Media on the 2020 Biden campaign, is leading the first ad buy in what is anticipated to be a billion-dollar campaign.

The outlet noted that the ad negates to mention the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, choosing instead to focus on Donald Trump’s alleged infringement on the “freedom of women to choose.”

The ad targets minorities and young voters, with a strong emphasis on social media platforms. Additionally, it will be aired on cable networks such as ESPN, TNT, FX, and Comedy Central, the campaign told Politico.

While it’s too soon to tell what effect  Biden’s angry, screechy State of the Union address actually had on his reelection chances, a series of new national polls show him falling farther behind his likely GOP rival.


The polling is from late February, and several major outlets had Trump sailing past Biden, often outside the polls’ margins of error.

The Wall Street Journal noted:

In the latest Wall Street Journal poll ahead of the State of the Union address, Republican Donald Trump holds a narrow lead over Democrat President Biden in a head-to-head test of the expected 2024 presidential matchup, with 47% backing Trump and 45% picking Biden, a difference within the survey’s margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points. In December, Trump led by four points.

CBS News added:

As Super Tuesday makes an historic rematch all but official, voters are comparing not just two presidents, but two presidencies.

And right now former President Donald Trump emerges from that comparison as the frontrunner. He leads President Biden by four points nationally, his largest lead to date. Here’s why:

Voters recall the economy under Trump more fondly than they rate the economy now.

And Fox News reported on its survey:

With eight months until Election Day, former President Trump carries voters who say either the economy or immigration is their priority voting issue, and this edge on the top two issues gives the Republican frontrunner a 2-point advantage over current President Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup. The poll also shows Nikki Haley, Trump’s last-standing Republican primary challenger, with an 8-point lead over Biden.

Trump is not only making headway with black voters, he’s also polling about even with Biden for the Hispanic/Latino vote. Biden handily won both of those demographics in 2020.


Meanwhile, a noted presidential historian had some bad news for Joe Biden following his angry State of the Union Address regarding how he is likely to be viewed in the future by “honest” brokers.

Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley made his remarks about the current commander-in-chief in response to a new survey of “scholars” putting who put Biden ahead of the Gipper as the 14th “greatest president” in the history of the country.

“It made me gag,” Shirley said, describing the “Presidential Greatness Project” experts as left-wing academics.

“Joe Biden is a terrible, terrible person. He is going to go down in history by honest historians as the worst president in American history,” he told the Washington Examiner.
