
Biden Slammed For Border Crisis, Failing To Enact ‘Real Measures’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former White House immigration adviser Stephen Miller says President Joe Biden may be committing an “impeachable offense” by resettling large numbers of illegal immigrants in the country. During an interview on Fox News, Miller spoke about the “crisis” on America’s southern border.

“So there’s very little — I mean, you have an organization that is using the law to try and stop this. It’s happening in real-time, it’s been happening for six months without the knowledge of the 320 million American citizens whose country this is, but there is someone who can stop it, and that’s Greg Abbott, who’s the governor of Texas, who commands the Texas National Guard, and of course, it’s his border over which a lot of these people are coming. Why wouldn’t he shut the border tonight with Mexico and stop this?” Carlson asked.

“Perhaps in the history of the world, in terms of the number of illegal border crossers being resettled into the interior of our country in violation of plain law. I would argue that the appropriate constitutional remedy is Article IV, Section 4, which says that the government clearly has the obligation to protect any state in this country against invasion and domestic violence. It does not say that that has to be in the form of a nation-state actor. In other words, the Constitution doesn’t say it has to be a state-led invasion. It’s any large-scale, unwelcome, uninvited entry into a country,” Miller said.

“That, or into a state. That would provide the constitutional predicate for exactly what you’re describing. I would also suggest it would provide the constitutional predicate for the Supreme Court, if they had the moral courage, to strike down this entire scheme, which is a blatant violation of our entire constitutional Republican form of government,” Miller continued.

“Let’s be very clear. When Joe Biden put his hand on the Bible and swore an oath to take care of the laws we faithfully executed, to uphold, protect, and defend the Constitution, and to ensure a Republican form of government to every state, he has violated every single one of those commitments. I will also add this: If that’s not an impeachable offense, I can’t imagine what would be,” he added.



Last week, it was reported that United States Air Marshals are planning to “mutiny” against an order from President Joe Biden to leave their posts aboard commercial flights and head to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Air Marshal National Council President David Londo told the Washington Examiner that dozens of marshals are vowing to directly disobey the order in protest. Biden’s White House ordered U.S. air marshals to the southern border given there’s a shortage of Border Patrol agents, which has fueled the immigration crisis.

“The rank and file air marshals are going to refuse to deploy and risk termination,” Londo said. “You’re almost going to have a mutiny of a federal agency, which is unheard of. Morale is so destroyed from this. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

The Transportation Security Administration released a statement denying the claim, saying it is “entirely inaccurate and does not reflect the critical and professional law enforcement role these officers perform.”

“The Federal Air Marshal Service asked marshals last year to volunteer to spend a 30-day stint at the southern border helping border agents process migrants. Last month, the Biden administration made the deployments mandatory. In a letter obtained by the Examiner, Londo wrote to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, TSA Administrator David Pekoske, and Federal Air Marshal Service Director Tirrell Stevenson that the marshals had lost confidence in the officials’ ability to lead,” the Daily Wire reported.

“As it stands today, we believe that many FAMs will refuse to deploy, believing the order is reckless and leaving our country vulnerable to attack,” Londo wrote. “On behalf of our membership, stop these dangerous and irresponsible deployments before our adversaries take advantage of the opportunity this policy has provided.”


“The Federal Air Marshal Service is understaffed and covering the fewest number of flights since before September 11, 2001,” the association said. “We strongly question the decision by the Department of Homeland Security to divert much-needed aviation security to the southern border especially as we enter the busiest travel season of the year, particularly as a federal emergency has not been declared at the border.”

The Department of Homeland Security pushed back against Londo’s claims that the order sending air marshals to the southern border is leaving commercial flights unprotected.

“The suggestion that flights are being left unprotected is completely false,” the department said in a statement to Fox News. “TSA takes its responsibility to secure the skies for the traveling public very seriously. We will continue to protect commercial flights though [sic] our multi-layered security processes, including through the Federal Air Marshal Service which supports this critical mission on the ground and onboard aircrafts.”
