
Schumer Brags After Blocking GOP School Safety Bill In Senate


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

After all of his talk about wanting to protect kids in schools from shootings Senate Majority Leader and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer blocked a bill by Republicans to do exactly that.

On Thursday the New York senator blocked the Luke and Alex School Safety Act after Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson asked for it to be passed by unanimous consent, Fox News reported.

The bill, named after Parkland, Florida, shooting victims Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, would require the Department of Homeland Security to establish a “Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety Best Practices” for use by state and local educational and law-enforcement agencies, institutions of higher education, health professionals, and the public. And it would require DHS to “collect clearinghouse data analytics, user feedback on the implementation of best practices and recommendations identified by the clearinghouse, and any evaluations conducted on these best practices and recommendations.”

The clearinghouse, which is already available at, would be codified into law with the bill’s passage.

Schumer objected to Johnson’s request, claiming on Twitter that the bill “could see more guns in schools.”

“GOP Sen. Johnson just tried for a bill that could see more guns in schools—I blocked it. The truth: There were officers at the school in Texas. The shooter got past them. We need real solutions—We will vote on gun legislation starting with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act,” he said on Twitter.

“”Not surprising that the Democrat leader would lie about the bill he blocked that parents of Parkland victims have been trying to pass for years. Dems aren’t looking for solutions, they want wedge issues that they hope will keep them in power. Sick,” Sen. Johnson said on Twitter.


Max Schachter, whose 14-year-old son the bill is partially named after following the 2018 mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida where he was murdered, responded to the Senate Majority Leader blocking it.

“How does a website put guns in schools? It’s ridiculous,” he said to Fox News. “It has nothing to do with guns. It’s just a website of best practices. It doesn’t mandate anything.”

“I thought that after 19 children and two teachers were just murdered in Uvalde, Texas, partisan politics will be put aside and that families might at least have some positive news out of Congress from their elected leaders,” the dad said. “I was naive to think that a horrible mass shooting would make people do the right thing. And unfortunately, you know, he didn’t. He blocked it.”

“It’s heartbreaking,” he said.

He said that Sen. Schumer held the school safety bill “hostage” in order to use it as “leverage” on the domestic terrorism bill.

“Everybody and their brother would have told you that the GOP was going to block it, which they did today. And so now where are we?” the dad said.

“After Parkland, a lot of the parents went in different directions,” he said. “I chose to go toward school safety, because I thought that it was nonpartisan and bipartisan. And then to see that it just went that same way of all these other issues is really defeating.”

“I blame both parties,” he said. “The Republicans don’t want to give the Democrats a win, but the Democrats don’t want to give the Republicans a win either. And then who suffers? The American people. It’s ridiculous. They should do their damn job.”

Conservative commentator Jeff Charles shredded the New York senator on Twitter.

“Chuck Schumer just rejected a legislative proposal to harden schools to make them safer from mass shooters. Their goal isn’t to safeguard children. Their goal is to curtail gun rights,” he said. And he was not the only one.

“America DEMANDS safety for her students but DEMOCRATS just voted AGAINST SCHOOL SAFETY in the Senate! Why? In order to keep voters angry for the midterms. SICKENING!” Jenna Ellis said.


“Democrats don’t care about making schools safe, they just want to disarm you,” Matthew Kolken said.

“Republicans put up a school safety bill. Democrat Chuck Schumer blocked it from a vote. But please, continue to tell me this isn’t all political. They won’t even debate it and put it up for a vote. Don’t like the bill? Vote no,” Jason Rantz said.
