
BREAKING: Former President Trump Endorses Brandon Gill, Son-In-Law Of Dinesh D’Souza, For Congress


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former President Donald Trump has given his endorsement to rising Republican star Brandon Gill as he looks to become the next Congressman in Texas’ 26th District.

“It is my great honor to ENDORSE Brandon Gill for U.S. Congress in Texas-26. He is the clear ‘America First’ candidate, and is as loyal and tough as they come. He’s a Cowboy, Businessman, Husband and Father, but also, a True Patriot. Brandon is Strong on SECURING OUR BORDER, STOPPING CRIME, FIGHTING INFLATION, & PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT. He also comes with the love and respect of his father-in-law, a true warrior, Dinesh D’Souza. Brandon will not let you down. Onward to VICTORY!” the former president said on his Truth Social account on Saturday.

“I am humbled and honored to share that I’ve been officially endorsed by President Donald J. Trump in my run for US Congress in TX-26,” Gill said in response with a screenshot of the endorsement on his X, formerly Twitter, page.

“To the people of TX-26 and President Trump: I will not let you down,” he said.

“Congressional Democrats and the Biden Administration have failed us. Our homeland is being invaded. Our borders are a free-for-all. Crime is soaring, and our economy is a wrecking ball aimed at the middle class,” Gill, who is the son-in-law of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said when he announced his campaign.


“We’re in dire need of a trailblazer, someone unafraid to take on the power players and entrenched interests, a fighter who embodies our values,” he said. “Washington, take note: you’re done pushing Texans around. Starting now, you’re going to listen to us. I’ve been on the front lines in conservative media, and now I’m ready to take the battle straight to the Swamp. We need to finish the wall, secure the Southern border, balance our budget, unleash our energy industry, restore law and order, and kick weak Republicans who rubber stamp progressives’ agenda out of Congress.”

The man who is the current Republican representative for the district, Rep. Michael Burgess, announced last month that he would not be seeking re-election.

“It is with a satisfied and grateful heart that I announce that I will not be seeking reelection to the United States of Representatives in 2024,” he said.

Gill is not the only Republican vying for the job but the endorsement of the former president makes him a prohibitive favorite.

“Since I was born – on a United States Air Force Base – I’ve had a deep and abiding love for this country and the principles it stands for. And it started with my family. My father was a fighter pilot who flew over 60 combat missions over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. My grandfather was a Southern Baptist Preacher in the Dallas area. It’s in my veins,” he said on his website.

“I grew up on a thousand acre cattle ranch outside of Abilene, Texas where we raised angus beef cows. For as long as I can remember, I was working cows, building fences, driving tractors and backhoes, plowing fields, and slinging hay bales. The work was difficult, but being part of a family business that involved long days and hard labor taught me that great things don’t come easy. It was the type of work too many in Washington look down upon, and the people I grew up with are the Americans too often forgotten by our elite class,” the candidate said.


The aspiring Congressman had a successful career but decided that his calling was to serve.

“For many people, I was living the American Dream. I was working in one of the largest, most successful hedge funds in the world, and rising fast in the industry,” he said.

“Yet, the call for service and duty to my country came. I could not sit back as progressive politicians and their cheerleaders in the media worked hard to destroy all the things that make our country great. Biden and his Leftist allies have spent years inflicting disastrous economic policies on millions of working-class Americans, in communities like the one I grew up in,” he said.
