
Hillary Clinton Demands That Donald Trump Pay Her Legal Fees Following Lawsuit


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Two-time failed Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton wants former President Donald Trump, who defeated her in 2016, to pay up. According to a report from, Clinton is demanding that Trump pay some $1 million in legal fees after he unsuccessfully sued her for alleged racketeering.

“The surprising request came on Monday when lawyers for the former first lady-turned-2016 presidential candidate filed a motion in federal court demanding sanctions be imposed upon ex-President Trump,” the report said.

Her attorneys also called the lawsuit, which was tossed out in September, nothing more than a “political stunt.”

“A reasonable attorney would never have filed this suit, let alone continued to prosecute it after multiple Defendants’ motions to dismiss highlighted its fundamental and incurable defects,” Clinton’s lawyers wrote, according to the New York Post.

The Post notes further:

The Clinton legal team is asking for $1.06 million from Trump to cover the legal expenses incurred by all the defendants named in his civil suit.


The former president filed the civil suit in March, accusing Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, British ex-spy Christopher Steele, and others of a conspiracy to undermine his 2016 presidential campaign with allegations of Russia collusion. Trump claimed in filings that he had suffered over $24 million in losses as a result of the rumors about collusion between his presidential campaign and Russia.

U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1997 by then-President Bill Clinton, cited “deficiencies in the plaintiff’s argument” when he tossed the suit earlier this fall. Afterward, Trump’s legal team filed an appeal with the 11th Circuit Court.

Alina Habba, one of Trump’s attorneys, accused Clinton of political motivations for filing her claim.

“This motion, conveniently filed one week prior to election day, is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to score political points,” Habba told The Hill. “This motion is particularly inappropriate, given that our client’s case will soon be reviewed by the Eleventh Circuit. We will oppose this motion and trust that the Court will see through this ruse.”

In August, Clinton was mocked brutally online after she tweeted about the FBI’s raid on the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“Every ‘But her emails’ hat or shirt sold helps @onwardtogether partners defend democracy, build a progressive bench, and fight for our values,” she said. “Just saying!”

Clinton famously kept classified information on a private email server, which was determined to be “extremely careless,” by former FBI Director James Comey who declined to press charges.

“Hillary is out here bragging that she nor Epstein client Bill will ever be raided by the FBI… because it’s clearly a two tiered justice system,” comedian and Washington Times columnist Tim Young said.

“The ultimate grifter. Selling merch on the Trump raid. Stay classy, Hillary,” Buzz Patterson added.

“Hillary is fundraising off of admitting she did worse than what Trump is accused of This is the perfect example of democrat double standards She is gloating that she is above the law and knows democrats will give her money for it,” said podcaster Tim Pool.


“She deleted 33,000 emails from a private server she used to conduct State Department business after she got a subpoena and now she’s bragging about it because the game show host that beat her got his house raided for having government documents in his private possession,” added Alex Rubenstein.

“Morality is now completely partisan. It’s OK for our team to break the law, joke about it, even profit off of it. The other team… different story,” said commentator and attorney Matt Rooney.

Noted conservative strategist Greg Price: “She openly brags about how the law didn’t apply to her when she made money off foreign governments as Sec of State, deleted 33,000 government emails on a private server with bleach after they had been subpoenaed, and then wonders why she never became president.”

“Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed and she’s releasing this today, profiting off of it by shilling $33 hats! But Donald Trump is being raided by the FBI on the suspicion of mishandling records!? YEAH It does not seem right,” Luke Rudkowski noted.

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