
GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan Co-Sponsors Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

South Carolina GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan announced that he will co-sponsor articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.

Duncan is joining Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, who filed the articles of impeachment last week.

Duncan released a statement Thursday on the proposed impeachment.

“I am heartsick at the President’s failure to fulfill his duty that has resulted in American deaths and thousands of Americans and Afghan allies being abandoned at the risk of being tortured, captured, held hostage, or killed at the hands of the Taliban or other terrorist forces,” Duncan said.

“Our Commander-in-Chief showed reckless disregard for both American citizens and allies in neglecting to secure their safe evacuation from Afghanistan once he withdrew our troops. The President promised to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, but it is evident the President has failed to fulfill this charge,” he added.


Duncan called impeachment “a very serious matter,” but said Biden’s actions have “proved he is a threat to our national security and the Constitution.”

“It is time to take action and remove the sitting President from office due to his gross negligence that undermined our national security, led to the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, and resulted in a grave humanitarian crisis,” he said.

Biden’s disastrous withdrawal of the United States military and civilians along with Afghan allies has led to many Republicans calling for his resignation.

Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks added his voice to other Republicans who called for Biden’s resignation over his lackluster handling of the situation in Afghanistan.

“Time and time again, President Biden has shown the strength of a marshmallow and the intellectual capacity and judgment of a gnat,” Brooks wrote in a press release. “America, and the free world, simply cannot afford the risks of such a vacuous man in the office of President of the United States.”


“President Joe Biden has proven himself to be a complete and total fiasco. The horror of dead American military personnel giving their lives in defense of a botched Afghanistan withdrawal is Joe Biden’s pinnacle of incompetence,” Brooks continued before demanding his resignation.

Republican Rep. Jackie Walorski joined Brooks in his statement.

“As the president has said repeatedly, the buck stops with him – and I agree. The buck must stop here. President Biden has demonstrated that he is unfit to serve as commander-in-chief, and, therefore, must resign,” she stated in a press release.

Last week, New York Rep. Claudia Tenney and Florida Rep. Byron Donalds demanded Biden resign from office.

“I called for Biden’s resignation the first day this Afghanistan debacle began & it has grown more deadly by the day. Now the Pentagon is confirming a number of US & civilian casualties. I urge my colleagues to join me in calling for the resignation or impeachment of Joe Biden,” Tenney said.

“Earlier this week, I too called on the President of the United States to resign immediately following his haphazard withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has abdicated his responsibility and duties entrusted to him as POTUS, and he must RESIGN IMMEDIATELY,” Donalds said in a tweet.

“To say that today’s loss of American lives in Kabul is sickening does not begin to do justice to what has happened. It is enraging. And Joe Biden is responsible. It is now clear beyond all doubt that he has neither the capacity nor the will to lead. He must resign,” Hawley said on Twitter.

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