
Joe Biden Gets Crazed Look In His Eyes As He Misinterprets Reporter’s Question


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

It is beyond time for people to question where President Joe Biden stands mentally as he continues to make himself appear weak and feeble.

On Tuesday, he apparently misunderstood a recent poll that showed the majority of Democrats do not want him to campaign for president again in 2024.

“Mr. President, what’s your message to Democrats who don’t want you to run again?” a reporter said to the president at a White House Congressional Picnic on the South Lawn.

“They want me to run,” the president said.

“Two-thirds say they don’t,” the reporter said.

The president did not like that response as he got a furious look in his eyes and approached the reporter.

“Read the polls. Read the polls, Jack,” he said. “You guys are all the same! That poll showed that 92 percent of Democrats, if I ran, would vote for me.”

Apparently, the president took what he wanted from that poll because he focused only on who Democrats would vote for if their only other choice was former President Donald Trump.

“A majority of Democrats say they don’t want you to run again in 2024,” the reporter said, getting to the actual question he wanted to be answered.


But Biden got defensive and repeated his point again, “92 percent said if I did they’d vote for me.”

Perhaps Biden should be reading the polls because they are not favorable to him.

A new poll shows that a whopping 71 percent of voters do not want the 79-year-old making an attempt to be president again in 2024 when he would be 82 years old, Mediaite reported.

The Harvard-Harris poll was conducted among 1,308 registered voters on June 28 and 29.

Among those who said he shouldn’t run, the most common reason given was that “he’s a bad president (45%), followed by “he’s too old” (30%), and “it’s time for a change” (26%).

Not surprisingly, the poll shows Biden with weak approval ratings on a host of issues, but he fares worst on economic matters. Just 28% either strongly or somewhat approve of his handling of inflation, while 32% approve of his handling of the economy overall.

The poll puts Biden’s general approval rating at 38%. Moreover, an alarming 64% of Americans say their personal financial situation is “getting worse.” That’s the highest number since at least before the Covid-19 pandemic began.

And if Democrats believe that the issue of abortion is going to help them in the 2022 midterms or the 2024 presidential campaign, this poll shows they are not near the top of the radar.

The top three issues, the poll showed, are Inflation at 40%, the economy in general at 29, and guns at 20%.

Women’s rights polled at 17 percent, which was a six-point increase from the previous poll as it came a week after the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe V Wade.

It came weeks after new polling data collected by the firm Civiqs found that Biden’s job approval has tanked to a stunningly low 32 percent this month, down from a nearly-as-bad 34 percent last month.

The new approval rating — less than one-third of Americans — is his lowest since taking office and among the worst showing for a U.S. president in modern history.

“A whopping 57 percent of respondents said they do not approve of Biden’s job performance,” One America News reported, citing the polling data.

“In addition to this, the president’s net approval ratings are now negative in 48 states, which is up from 47 states last month with the exception of Hawaii and Vermont. Biden now has a national net approval rating of -25 and most respondents are concerned about his poor handling of the economy,” the outlet added.


Meanwhile, the president as well as several of his administration officials are trying to pound home the talking point that there is no recession currently and there is nothing indicating that one is likely, contrary to a spate of reports and analysts who suggest otherwise.

Asked about the issue while he walked in the sand near his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., about economic experts “saying a recession is more likely than ever,” Biden clapped back on Saturday: “Not — the majority of them aren’t saying that. Come on, don’t make things up, OK?”

“Now you sound like a Republican politician,” the president went on to complain before appearing to realize how he came off, insisting, “I’m joking. That was a joke,” the New York Post reported.

“But all kidding aside, no, I don’t think it is [inevitable],” Biden said. “I was talking to [former Treasury Secretary] Larry Summers this morning and there’s nothing inevitable about a recession.”
