
FBI Agent on Hunter Biden Case Verifies IRS Whistleblower Claim, Comer Says


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The House Oversight Committee has revealed that a major component of an alleged cover-up stated by IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley was corroborated on Monday by the former FBI supervisory agent in charge of the criminal investigation into first son Hunter Biden.

The deposition was revealed by Committee Chairman James Comer in advance of a hearing on Wednesday, where Shapley and an unnamed IRS agent will reportedly claim that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment during the investigation, which was resolved last month with a probation-only plea deal.

“Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation,” the Oversight Committee tweeted.

“The agent confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned Hunter Biden interview. In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and to not approach Hunter Biden — they had to wait for his call.”

“As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation,” the committee said, the New York Post reported.

Recently, unearthed text messages show Hunter Biden, calling his stepmother and current First Lady Jill Biden a “vindictive moron” and things that are much worse.

The texts show Hunter Biden blasting his stepmother following a family argument in late 2018. In one text he sent to the widow of his brother, whom Hunter Biden was dating at the time, he called Jill Biden “selfish” and “entitled.”

“F*** my stepmother for always being as much of a selfish silly entitled c*** as you,” he wrote to Hallie Biden as their brief relationship began to deteriorate.

In another text that he sent to his uncle and frequent business partner James Biden, Hunter recalled an argument with Jill in which he blasted her with a barrage of insults.


“And you do know the drunkest I’ve ever been is still smarter than you could ever even comprehend and you’re a shut [sic] grammar teacher that wouldn’t survive one class in an Ivy graduate program,” he wrote. “So go f*** yourself Jill let’s all agree I don’t like you any more than you like me.”

IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told Congress in explosive testimony that the FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop in November 2019 and that a federal computer expert determined “it was not manipulated in any way.

”Investigators probing President Biden’s son for tax fraud and other crimes were not given full access to the laptop’s contents, however, Shapley told the House Ways and Means Committee during his May 26 deposition.

“The computer guy said that they could do a CSV list that shows when everything was created … the whole discussion was about whether can we rely on this information on the laptop, is it Hunter Biden’s? And their opinion was, it was, and it was not manipulated in any way,” he added.

“In October 2019, the FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime. The FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID,” Shapley said.

New York Post reported:

The laptop’s contents linked Joe Biden to his son’s dealings, including in China and Ukraine — contradicting his public claims he never discussed business with his son Hunter or brother James Biden.

But behind the scenes, “when the FBI took possession of the device in December 2019, they notified the IRS that it likely contained evidence of tax crimes,” Shapley said. Shapley, who has worked at the tax agency for 14 years, supervised a 12-person team that determined Hunter Biden had failed to pay $2.2 million on $8.3 million in income earned between 2014 and 2019 from foreign countries where his father held sway as vice president, such as China, Romania, and Ukraine.

The case was resolved Tuesday with the announcement of a probation-only plea deal with the first son, despite investigators attempting to recommend felonies, Shapley and another IRS whistleblower told the committee.

That’s not all.

The deputy director of the FBI essentially admitted under oath that a document allegedly contained evidence that then-Vice President Biden took millions of dollars in bribe money from a Ukrainian national during testimony.

Under grilling from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), a former state attorney general, Paul Abbate said that the document — an “FD-1023″ that House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has said contains information indicating that Bident took a $5 million bribe — is unclassified, but would not commit to releasing it to the public.


In an interview on Saturday with Fox News host Mark Levin, Comer said more evidence in his committee’s investigation is forthcoming.

“We’re going to start bringing in key figures in the Biden family influence-peddling schemes for depositions, and I think we’re on the right track, even though we’re having to fight the FBI, fight the DOJ, fight the Democrats in Congress, and fight the mainstream media,” he told Levin, per Newsmax.

“I think we’ve done as much as we could do with the obstacles we’ve had to overcome,” Comer added. “No one thought I would get bank records. No one thought we would get access to the Treasury, and Cabinet’s suspicious activity reports, but we would not take no for an answer.

“We kept fighting, and we prevailed. When we got access to the suspicious activity reports, the mainstream media said there was nothing there,” he said.

Comer asserted that both the DOJ and the FBI lack transparency with the American people, citing their inconsistent excuses as evidence.
