
Former SECDEF Pushes Back on Dem Claims About Jan. 6: ‘There Was No Coup’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The acting secretary of defense on the day of the riot that occurred at the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021, as Congress prepared to certify the presidential election on behalf of Joe Biden is pushing back on Democrats who claim what occurred was a “coup.”

Chris Miller, who spent decades wearing the uniform of our country, told the Tim Pool podcast on Friday: “Dude, I was running the military. There was no coup. Can’t happen. … There was gonna be no military coup.”

“I spent my life in service to this country and I swore to protect and defend the Constitution,” Miller added. “If it came down to that, the president … wasn’t going there.”

Miller went on to say that had it been a coup, he would have turned in his resignation immediately and would not have assisted in the effort.

“If it would have gone there, I would have resigned and gone right outside and gotten on TV and said, ‘I resigned in protest because I was asked to do something anti-constitutional.’ Period. End of story,” he told the podcast as he went on to explain why he stayed with the Trump administration afterward.


“You gotta be stable. You gotta be steady, right? That’s what good leaders do,” he said. “I saw a lot of those political figures that bailed that day doing it for political reasons. I was like, we need to find out what happened. We’re still finding out what happened that day.

“You get paid for the good times and the bad, and you really get paid for the tough times. That’s what the American people pay you for, right?” he noted further, according to the Western Journal.

In an earlier interview with CNN, Miller also pushed back on the Democratic narrative of a ‘coup.’

“I think it’s complete bull–you know what,” Miller said when he was asked about claims that Trump put him in his position so that he would delay any potential military responses to the Capital riot.

“I think the investigation has revealed that that did not happen, that there was not some sort of cabal or some sort of conspiracy to delay the response to Capitol Hill,” he said in a separate interview with C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal.” He also noted that the military “should never be used for domestic law enforcement, meaning doing police work, except when civil society and civil order has collapsed.”

Miller went on to say that anyone who believes Trump installed him with a coup in mind should “ask President Trump. … I don’t think that was the case.”

Miller, writing in his new book, “Soldier Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies,” called out Pelosi over her behavior during the Jan. 6 riot, according to an excerpt.

Miller wrote in his memoir that many lawmakers were “hyperventilating into the phone” that day while demanding to know if military forces were on the way to protect them.

“Do I blame a bunch of geriatrics for acting like a bunch of geriatrics? Of course not. But do I judge them for it? You’re damned right I do. Most of all, I resent that we are ruled by a bunch of geriatrics that ruthlessly and selfishly maintain their hold on power and refuse to develop the next generation of leaders,” he added.


“As soon as it was her a** on the line, Pelosi had been miraculously born again as a passionate, if less than altruistic, champion of law and order,” he wrote.

Miller also writes that then-first lady Melania Trump played a critical role during the operation to target and kill ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sitting in one of the most important chairs in the Situation Room and offering some advice to her husband at the time.

Miller says that the first lady’s presence in the room was “unexpected,” and she came in as her husband’s executive team was “waiting for the final assault” on the ISIS leader.

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