
Tucker Carlson Shreds Fellow Fox News Member On Speaker Contest Opinion


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson shredded Fox News contributor, and Meghan McCain’s husband, Ben Domenech for his opinion on the contest for Speaker of the House. Republicans in the House of Representatives did not elect a Speaker of the House after 11 ballots with House Minority Leader and California Rep. Kevin McCarthy in the lead by hundreds of votes on each ballot against other Republicans.

The Fox News host said that the media has made the voting more disastrous for the Republican party than it is.

“This is what democracy looks like when you get up close,” he said. “I want one thing, you want another thing. We schedule a vote to see who gets it, or in this case 11 votes, but whatever. But how is that disaster? Well, it’s not a disaster. It’s how the system is supposed to work. But don’t tell the moron community that.”

He went on to show a montage of members of the media, including the Fox News contributor, commenting on the contest.

“The way that they’ve gone about trying to achieve these demands has resulted in essentially this terrorist standoff between them and the overwhelming majority of people in their conference,” the contributor said during an appearance on another show.

“They’re so excitable,” the host said before responding to what Domenech said.

“Then another one of the buffoons in the clip you just saw went further and called the whole thing terrorism, which is the remorseless use of violence against a civilian population to effect a political goal,” he said.

And this was not the only case of Fox News hosts arguing with people they normally agree with.

Fellow Fox News host Sean Hannity argued with Rep. Lauren Boebert on Wednesday regarding her opposition to Rep. McCarthy.


Transcript via Mediaite.

“Let me turn the tables, congresswoman,” the host said. “Kevin McCarthy has 202–3 votes. Your side has 20. So, if I’m gonna use your words, and your methodology, and your math, isn’t it time for you to pack it in and your side to pack it in considering he has over 200 and you have 20?”

BOEBERT: Sean, I understand the frustration, I promise you, But he–

HANNITY: I’m not frustrated. You didn’t answer any question.

BOEBERT: And we are hearing–

HANNITY: I’m not frustrated.

BOEBERT: –from many people who are still voting with Kevin McCarthy–

HANNITY: You’re not answering my question.

BOEBERT: –who are very supportive of what we’re doing. And they’re cheering us on. So, there are more for us than there are against us. And they are waiting for Kevin to cave.

HANNITY: Ok, congresswoman–

BOEBERT: You know, the American people are certainly frustrated.

HANNITY: Congresswoman, I’m frustrated by you not answering a direct question. You said to President Trump, you said earlier today that President Trump needs to tell Kevin McCarthy, you don’t have the votes–



HANNITY: Can I finish?

BOEBERT: We need a candidate to elect as speaker of the House.

HANNITY: Can I finish? “You don’t have the votes and it’s time to withdraw.” He has 203. Your side has 20. Why is it time for him to withdraw and not you when he has so many more votes?

BOEBERT: Well, Sean, he needs 218 and he does not have 218.

HANNITY: Neither do you!

“Kevin McCarthy does not have 218 votes,” the representative said.

“And you have 20,” the host said. “I asked you a very specific question. If by Friday, you don’t have 30–”

“I will not withdraw,” she said.

“With all due respect,” the host said. “If you only have 30, to be clear, you will not withdraw, but you’re telling Kevin McCarthy and the 203 people that support him to withdraw because they don’t have 218. That’s what you’re saying?”

Fox News host Jeanine Jeanine Pirro tore into the 20 Republicans who are opposing Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s bid to become the speaker of the House.

During a segment on the popular show “The Five,” Pirro called the GOP holdouts “egomaniacs” who should “be quiet and just go along with the majority” to get McCarthy the 218 votes he needs to become speaker.

“They are making the Republicans look ridiculous. I like Kevin McCarthy … why wasn’t this done ahead of time? Why are we doing this in front of the public? We look like a bunch of fools and Lauren Boebert, all due respect, the woman barely won her race. They have no other alternative. They are egomaniacs who’ve got no answers and they ought to just be quiet and just go along with the majority at this point. If you don’t want to vote for a bill, don’t vote for it,” Pirro said.

“I feel angry,” Pirro said.

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