
HBO’s Bill Maher: Trump Will Win in 2024 Unless Democrats Change Course on Single Issue


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher said during an hour-long interview with The Daily Wire emeritus Ben Shapiro that he could see a way that former President Donald Trump could again win the White House in 2024.

Maher said that’s because Democrats a flubbing a number of issues that hit close to home for the vast majority of Americans that could cost them the election, primarily over education.

In addition, the host also agreed with Shapiro that, were Trump to decide to run in the next presidential election, he would “clear the field” of GOP candidates and wind up the nominee again.

“I could see that Trump could actually win that election, easily,” Maher said. “Especially if the Democrats keep doing the stuff they are doing to piss people off, like in schools, with all that kind of stuff.

“My theme has been that, yes, both parties have a lot to answer for. Again, I told you where my politics are in general, okay? I’m not coming over to this side. I do think that Republicans are more dangerous,” the liberal host noted further.

“But what pisses people off with Democrats is so much closer to home, it’s so much up close and personal,” he added.


Maher went on to cite Democrat efforts to impeach Trump over his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is now embroiled in a fight to stave off a Russian invasion.

“I mean the Ukraine issue that he was impeached over,” Maher said. “Yes, I think it was an impeachable offense, absolutely. But to most people, it’s like, Ukraine? … It’s very far away, doesn’t really influence my life a lot?”

Democrats alleged that Trump engaged in a ‘quid pro quo’ with Zelenskyy during a July 25, 2019 phone call — withholding military assistance until he agreed to launch an investigation into the financial activities in his country involving Joe and Hunter Biden. But according to Zelenskyy at the time, he said he felt no pressure from Trump to do so.

A subsequent report by The Wall Street Journal quoted a source who said though Trump mentioned the potential Biden probe about eight times, he never threatened to withhold military aid or offer any other “quid pro quo.”

In any event, Maher went on to rip the Democratic left for pushing ‘woke’ curriculum to youngsters in public school.

“But when you have my kid coming home from school and saying, ‘Mommy, am I a racist?’ ‘You’re five. You just learned the word. What are you — ?’ That’s what I worry about with the Democrats,” the host asserted. “And in that scenario, Trump could win.”

For months, parents across the country have been pushing back against far-left curriculum including the introduction of critical race theory, which essentially states that all institutions in the U.S. are systemically racist since they were founded by whites. Also, parents have revolted against the push to include more transgenderism as well.


Regarding gender and sexuality, the Florida Senate recently passed the Parental Rights in Education bill, which “bans teachers in kindergarten through third grade from providing instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation, require schools to notify parents if there has been any change in a student’s physical, emotional, or mental wellbeing, and would also provide legal recourse to parents to sue if they believe a school has violated any of those agreements,” The Daily Wire reported.

“It would also teachers to withhold certain information from parents if there is a ‘reasonable’ belief notifying them would result in abuse,” the report continued.

“This bill says parents your right to raise your children does not end when they walk into a classroom. This bill recognizes that parents are not the enemy,” GOP state Sen. Danny Burgess said. “The bill simply says that there should be an age limit on certain discussions, it’s not a new concept, nor is it radical.”
