
Hillary Clinton Lashes Out at Clarence Thomas, Says ‘Women Will Die’ Following ‘Roe’ Reversal


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former First Lady and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton disparaged Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during a Tuesday interview with CBS morning show host Gayle King while making a claim about the health of women following the court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade on Friday.

“I think that was the goal of packing the court with justices who were on the record for many years of being against women’s constitutional rights to make decisions about our own bodies. I was deeply sorry that it actually happened,” Clinton began.

“But now that it has happened, I think everybody understands that this is not necessarily the only effort that we’re going to see this court undertake to turn back the clock on civil rights,” she continued before making what some have viewed as a racially-tinged remark about Thomas.

“I went to law school with Justice Thomas. He’s been a person of grievance for as long as I have known him — resentment, grievance, anger,” Clinton claimed.

“He has signaled in the past to lower courts, to state legislatures, ‘Find cases. Pass laws. Get them up. I may not win the first, the second, or the third time, but we’re going to keep at it,'” Clinton went on.

“The thing that is, well, there are so many things about it that are deeply distressing but women are going to die. Women are going to die, Gayle. Women will die,” she added.



Several Twitter users railed at Clinton over her remarks about Thomas, suggesting they were racist.

“If this were the other way around, we’d hear endless lectures about the perils of ‘tone policing a black man who grew up under segregation,'” conservative Charles C. W. Cooke wrote.

“That’s literally what she is doing!” Christina Pushaw, the press secretary for Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, responded.

“She wanted to say uppity so bad,” Chris Loesch, husband of popular conservative talk host and personality Dana Loesch, added.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, meanwhile, also used inflammatory language over the weekend to lash out against the three U.S. Supreme Court justices appointed by then-President Donald Trump following the ‘Roe’ decision.


In an interview Sunday on NBC’s Meet The Press, anchor Chuck Todd set the New York Democrat up by asking if she believes the House Judiciary Committee “should begin the process of an investigation” into Justices Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for allegedly lying under oath during their confirmation hearings.

“If we allow supreme court nominees to lie under or under oath and secure lifetime appointments to the highest court of the land and then issue, without basis, if you read these opinions, issue without basis, rulings that deeply undermine the human and civil rights of the majority of Americans we must see that through,” ‘AOC’ claimed.

“There must be consequences for such a deeply stabilizing action and hostile takeover of our democratic institutions. To allow that to stand is to allow it to happen,” she said.

“And what makes it particularly dangerous is that it sends a blaring signal to all future nominees that they can now lie to duly elected members of the United States Senate in order to secure Supreme Court confirmations,” she added.

Todd continued to tee up Ocasio-Cortez: “Do you think lying at a confirmation hearing is an impeachable offense?”

“I believe so. I believe lying under oath is an impeachable offense,” the self-described democratic socialist continued.

“I believe that violating federal law and not disclosing income from political organizations as Clarence Thomas did years ago is also potentially an impeachable offense,” she alleged.

“I believe that that not recusing from cases that one clearly has family members involved in with very deep violations of conflict of interest are also impeachable offenses,” she added.

“And I believe that this is something that should be very seriously considered including by members by senators like Joe Manchin and Susan Collins.”

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