
House Intel Chairman Blasts Biden Admin For Moves Against Israel


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has blasted the Biden administration for moves against Israel he says are meant to tie the Jewish state’s hands following an attack by Iran over the weekend.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) warned the administration’s actions were emboldening Iran and encouraging the Islamic regime to ramp up its support for and involvement in actions to continue destabilizing the region.

During a Sunday interview on NBC News’s “Meet The Press”, Turner spoke about Iran’s attack on Israel, which included 185 one-way suicide drones, 110 surface-to-surface missiles, and 36 cruise missiles, the Daily Wire reported.

“Unfortunately, the Biden Administration’s view is that if you use missile defense, an attack didn’t happen,” he said. “That’s the way they reacted to the over 100 attacks that have occurred on U.S. troops from terrorist groups and organizations in Iraq and Syria, resulting in three deaths of American troops in Jordan, all by – by Iranian-backed groups and organizations.”

“I think the administration needs to take seriously that this attack has happened. It’s unprecedented. And certainly, it needs to be viewed as an escalation. This is an escalating conflict,” he told Meet the Press.

The Daily Wire noted that at several points during the interview, host Kristen Welker interrupted Turner, usually to defend the Biden administration. At one point, Welker said the administration carried out “more than 100” counterattacks against Iranian proxies around the Middle East.


“That’s not necessarily true,” Turner fired back. “So they – what the Biden Administration said is, if there are deaths, if American troops are hit, they’re going to respond. Over 100 attacks on American troops, they did not respond.”

“Israel has been under attack – under attack by Iran, for decades,” he said. “They fund and train Hezbollah. They fund and train Hamas, Hamas which undertook the October 7th attacks into Israel that were just, you know, vicious in a number of deaths in the manner in which it was executed, all as a result of they were trained, funded, and given weapons by Iran.

“So this has already been an ongoing conflict, where Israel understands that they have been under siege and under attack by Iran. It’s the first time, though, that they have attacked directly from Iran. And certainly, this is an escalation,” he continued.

“It is already escalating, and the administration needs to respond,” Turner went on. “Over 300 weapons were shot from Iran at Israel. This is an escalating conflict. The administration – because we were successful, because we invested in missile-defense technology with Israel, the administration is acting like, ‘Well, you know, done. We defended Israel against these attacks. This is not escalating.’ This is escalating.”

The Intel chairman said what the Biden administration should understand was that Iran has “already taken the next step,” and if there is no response, then that will be giving them “a free pass,” which will ultimately lead to more attacks.


Meanwhile, things are getting worse for Biden and his administration as they prepare to face former President Donald Trump in the next election.


The coalition of voters he galvanized to defeat the former president in the 2020 presidential election appears to be crumbling and that includes black voters, The Washington Examiner reported.

A recent poll shows that 30 percent of black men in seven swing states are planning to vote for the former president, which represents a massive increase from the 12 percent who supported him in 2020.

The president is still anticipated to carry the black vote, with 57 percent saying they will vote Democrat, but that is a marked collapse from 2020 and could mean the end of Biden’s tenure.

“In the same poll, 42% of black women surveyed revealed they are still uncertain or persuadable in their voting choice. In 2020, 6% of black women voted for Trump. Now, 11% said they are definitely or probably going to vote for Trump,” the report said.
