
Rachel Maddow Accuses ‘Far-Right’ Of Using ‘Open Carry Privilege’ To Intimidate Voters


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow has said she does not believe in conspiracy theories but she created one of her own.

During her election coverage on Tuesday, the host accused the “far-right” of using “open carry” as a means to intimidate voters.

“When we talk about stuff like this focused on Arizona, because of our experience there in 2020 and what we saw in the big counting sites in Arizona, one of the things we have to think about is that it is an open carry state and a lot of the far-right in Arizona has been willing to use their open carry privilege as a form of political intimidation,” she said.

There has been no evidence that anyone used weapons to intimidate anyone in Arizona.

The governor and Senate elections in Arizona have not been called as of this story.

Lake has broken her silence after police responded to “suspicious” items that were mailed to her campaign headquarters over the weekend. In response to questions from reporters, the former Phoenix-area newscaster said that some staffers were exposed to a white powdery substance before police and the FBI were summoned.

“I have been so busy campaigning. This happened. I was not in the office. One of our wonderful staffers, a couple of them, were actually exposed,” Lake said following a campaign event in Queen Creek, Fox News Digital reported. “And so far, they’re doing okay. We’re monitoring them, and we want to make sure that everything’s okay.”


She went on to say that initially, the substance was to be sent to an FBI lab in Quantico, Va., but was rerouted to a closer facility instead.

“So we’re going to find out what it was,” she said, adding that the incident over the weekend was not the first time that her campaign was targeted.

“But listen, we’re in dangerous times,” she continued. “This is not the first time we’ve been threatened.

“I’ve been threatened many times. Our tires have been slashed. We’ve had screws drilled into our tires so that our tires would blow out while we’re on the road,” Lake added. “We are living in dangerous times, and that’s why we need to elect somebody who’s strong and a fighter and not a coward. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I really don’t want to get too far ahead of it.”

But Maddow was not the only MSNBC host to say some ridiculous things on Election night.

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has proved that he is a powerhouse in politics and that has some Democrats furious. Among those who is going insane is MSNBC host Joy Reid, who accused Florida of being a “far-far-far-right” state on Tuesday as Gov. DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio won historic victories.

“If there ever is a time where Florida will matriculate back to being sort of a normal political state, and not just a far, far far right state, which I think it is now, that generation will take them there,” she said.

Her cohost Rachel Maddow said that Florida, and Miami-Dade, are beginning to get redder, in part because many Cuban-Americans vote Republican.

“Florida is a red state,” Reid said. “I think I have said this before. The challenge is, Miami-Dade has been trending Republican for a really long time. It’s been slowly slipping toward the Republican Party. And it is a 70-plus percent Hispanic county. Of the people who are Hispanic in that county, the vast majority are Cuban Americans. That’s a very conservative population. That county remained Democratic in the ’08 and 2012 elections because of one thing, Barack Obama. Barack Obama actually managed to eat into the margins.”

Reid insisted that former President Obama is what drove Democrat voters in Miami-Dade, but Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden both won there.

“It’s been moving in that direction. And with Obama not on the ballot, you know, I have been talking with people who have been looking at African American turnout. The precincts are barren. Turnout among African Americans is dismal in Florida,” she said.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has defeated his Democratic challenger Charlie Crist in Florida’s gubernatorial race.

DeSantis was in a fantastic spot heading into Tuesday night after raising a record-breaking $200 million for his re-election campaign. By comparison, Crist only raised around $31 million, Politico reported. DeSantis has only spent around $100,000 on his campaign which means he still has around $90 million left in the bank.


Politico believes that the extra $90 million could be used for a possible 2024 presidential campaign.

“If you look at where the money is coming from, it’s indicative of Gov. DeSantis being seen by national donors as the de facto frontrunner for president,” Republican lobbyist Slater Bayliss said.

“I think people on the left do not think their candidates sell out, and on the right we think ours cut deals, and are more pragmatic,” he said. “Former President Trump’s whole brand on the Republican side was that he does not sell out.”

“Gov. DeSantis has built on that,” he said, “And is taken more seriously by many Republican donors.”

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