
Jordan Says FBI Whistleblowers May Testify ‘Publicly’ About Biden Family Financial Dealings


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan said Wednesday that some FBI whistleblowers may be willing to “publicly” testify about alleged improper business dealings involving President Joe Biden and several members of his family.

“We had a number of whistleblowers come talk to us from the FBI, we’ve actually interviewed six of them,” the Ohio Republican told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow, a former Trump administration official. “We plan on having some of them testify publicly here in the near future because they want to and they have a compelling story to tell and they have been retaliated against. But in this situation, it’s totally up to the whistleblower. That is the way the statute works.”

Earlier Wednesday, a number of GOP lawmakers revealed damning evidence allegedly implicating at least nine members of President Joe Biden’s family raked in as much as $10 million from sources in Romania and China while Biden was serving as Barack Obama’s VP.

“It is inconceivable that the president did not know it, and the White House refuses to correct the President’s statement,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said.

“The president is now using the federal government to run interference for his family and his own role in these schemes,” Comer added during a press conference announcing the details laid out in a memo Wednesday.

Several other GOP lawmakers took turns at a podium to speak about the allegations.


“Every time we turn over a rock, there’s more evidence,” said Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., added. “This could be the most corrupt scheme in American politics, where a sitting vice president… where we saw members of his family,  nine of them so far, there may be more, that were enriched from countries all over the world.”

According to Mace, the Republican lawmakers claimed that around 20 companies linked to Biden family members were established after Joe Biden assumed the vice presidency in 2009. The companies allegedly formed a complex network of intermediaries and conduits.

She further alleged that funds were transferred through a chain of shell companies, presumably intended to obscure the financial activities of the Biden family.

Notably, these companies, such as Owasco P.C., Hudson West III, LLC, Robinson Walker, LLC, and Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC, reportedly received substantial sums of money from foreign companies without any visible provision of services.


Comer stated that the committee has obtained evidence revealing payments amounting to $1 million from Romania to the Biden family during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president while he was involved in matters pertaining to Romania.

Additionally, Comer asserted that the committee has uncovered millions of dollars sent from several Chinese companies to the Bidens, utilizing multiple banks in what appears to be an intricate network constructed to mask the transfers.

“The transactions in Romania and China show related but separate issues identified by the Committee that raise serious questions about financial disclosures and risks to national security,” Comer’s 36-page memo claimed.


The committee subpoenaed records from four banks associated with “specific individuals and companies that engaged in business activities with Biden family members and their business associates,” according to the memo.

Per Fox News, on May 3, the Oversight Committee issued a subpoena to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting the FD-1023 forms generated in June 2020 that contain references to Biden. But, the outlet said, the FBI did not comply with the request.

“The FBI was supposed to come to the Judiciary Committee,” Jordan told Kudlow. “We’ve had Democrats leak information from their interview and then it Turned out that information was wrong, and two of the media outlets that covered that had to redact and change what they wrote.”

The Ohio Republican went on to say that even though the FBI whistleblowers voluntarily came forward to testify, “they’re concerned about retaliation.”
