
Boebert Warns Pelosi After Speaker Booed in New York City: ‘Booed Out of Majority’ In November


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Rep. Lauren Boebert put Nancy Pelosi on notice after the speaker was booed at an event in New York City over the weekend.

The Speaker and her husband, Paul Pelosi, were attending the Global Citizen’s music festival in Central Park on Saturday night when actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas invited her on stage, The Daily Mail reported.

The premise of the concert was to raise awareness about climate change, but when Nancy Pelosi began to give her speech, members of the audience could be heard booing her.

“It’s Nancy Pelosi,” a member of the audience is heard saying in a video posted to Twitter. “Why is everyone booing?”

“As speaker of the house, I am here to thank you for your dazzling advocacy, entrepreneurial thinking, and determination as global citizens,” the Speaker said.

“It’s thanks to your help that the United States recently enacted historic climate legislation, which will be a game changer,” she said. “It will slash carbon pollution by 40 percent by 2030, it will give a historic, a historic $370 billion to fight the climate crisis.”

She cut her comments short as the boos continued and she left the stage.


The incident led to a response from Boebert, a Colorado Republican known for sharp rebukes of Democrats.

“Get used to it, Fancy Nancy. November 8th you’ll be booed out of the majority,” she wrote on Twitter.

In May, for instance, Boebert blasted the Democratic majority in Congress as well as the Biden administration amid a then-worsening baby formula shortage.

“The clowns are running the circus. It’s plain and simple. Now that men can get pregnant we have a baby formula shortage. I would like to go back to the days when men should not get pregnant, so we can feed the babies,” she said in an interview with Fox News host Dan Bongino, in response to a video clip of an exchange between Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), and pro-abortion activist Aimee Arrambide during House testimony.

“Leave it to the philosophy major testifying before Congress that men can have babies. Anyone who says men — biological men — can have babies is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” she added. “It was baffling to watch this take place. Drawing out what the ideology really is of these leftists.

“Democrats are disconnected from reality. They think men can get pregnant and have babies and women’s sports should include men. They say the border is closed. Their solution to the formula crisis is to give the FDA who is responsible for the crisis a race,” Boebert continued.

“We have already given them a billion in bailouts, and another $100 million in bailouts. Now they need another $28 million. I am tired of the Nancy Pelosi con game where bills are titled one way but don’t solve the problem. If the bills we voted on in Congress matched their titles, I would probably vote yes a heck of a lot more,” the lawmaker noted further.


Earlier this month, Boebert clapped back at a Washington, D.C. Councilmember Brianne Nadeau (D) after she complained about GOP Govs. Greg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona busing illegal migrants to the nation’s capital as a way of alleviating pressure on their states’ support systems.

“So it’s been said, but it’s worth reiterating that the governors of Texas and Arizona have created this crisis and the federal government has not stepped up to assist the District of Columbia,” Nadeau said during a mid-September press conference, seeking to blame the GOP for the situation. “In many ways, the governors, Texas and Arizona have turned us into a border town.”


Nadeau’s remarks drew a one-line response from Boebert, a Colorado Republican: “Actually, Joe Biden did that.”

The Blaze added:

Nadeau’s laughable comments — made despite Washington, D.C., being more than 2,000 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border — were made at the same press conference where D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a public emergency over the influx of migrants.

In response to the border crisis — in which millions of migrants have poured into the U.S. under President Joe Biden’s leadership — Abbott and Ducey began sending migrants to D.C., New York City, and Chicago earlier this year. All of the Democrat-run cities have bemoaned the flood of migrants despite being sanctuary cities.
