
Major Media Ignore Bombshell About DOJ Assigning ‘Threat Tag’ to Parents


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The vast majority of major media outlets have thus far ignored a bombshell whistleblower report dropped by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, last week indicating that the Biden Justice Department’s National Security Division is targeting parents who attend school board meetings.

Jordan posted a memo to his social media accounts obtained by a whistleblower indicating that the FBI’s counterterrorism unit created a “threat tag” for U.S. attorneys to use in order to track cases involving alleged threats by parents against school board officials, teachers, and school staff in response to a highly controversial memo issued last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Fox News reports:

An Oct. 20 internal email from the FBI’s criminal and counterterrorism divisions, released Tuesday by House Republicans, instructed agents to apply the threat tag “EDUOFFICIALS” to all investigations and assessments of threats directed specifically at education officials.

The email also directs FBI agents to consider whether the criminal activity being investigated is in violation of federal law and what the potential “motivation” is behind it. 

“The purpose of the threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level, and provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis of the threat picture for effective engagement with law enforcement partners at all levels,” the email stated.


Jordan also fired off a letter to Garland in which he said the AG’s prior testimony to Congress appears to differ from his actions.

“I can’t imagine in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children nor can I imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism,” Garland told the House Judiciary Committee last month.

Republicans are now calling on House Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., to call Garland back in for testimony following the whistleblower’s revelations.

“We asked Chairman Nadler yesterday, ‘When will you bring back the attorney general to answer questions?’” Jordan told Fox News this week.

“After all, it sure looks like he misled the American people when he gave the answers that he did,” Jordan continued, adding that the attorney general told the Judiciary Committee “nothing of the sort is going on.”

“He tells us that. Testifies to that. Tells the American people that. At the same time, just 24 hours earlier, this email had been sent out,” he said.

“As he made that statement, the counterterrorism division at the FBI was sending an email to FBI agents around the country saying ‘put a threat tag on parents’ names,’” Jordan said. “He’s got, I think, a lot of questions to answer.”

“How many parents? How many moms? How many dads now have this tag, this label put on their name?” the Ohio Republican continued.

The FBI has since downplayed the memo in a statement.


“A tag is merely a statistical tool to track information for review and reporting. The creation of a threat tag in no way changes the long-standing requirements for opening an investigation, nor does it represent a shift in how the FBI prioritizes threats. The FBI has used tags to track everything from drug trafficking to human trafficking.”

All of this follows a late September letter from the National School Boards Association to President Biden requesting assistance from federal law enforcement using existing statutes to see if parental pushback against certain curriculum and materials presented to their children rose to the level of “domestic terrorism.”

The letter received a lot of pushback from Republicans in particular, but has also led several state school board associations to drop their membership with the national organization, which has since apologized for sending it to Biden.

Subsequent reports noted that the NSBA was in contact with the Biden White House before the letter was sent, suggesting collusion.
