
Man Arrested For Making Multiple Threats Against Rep. Lauren Boebert


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert is known for her ‘take no prisoners’ approach when it comes to railing against Democratic policies and members of the opposition party.

But apparently, the Colorado Republican’s style has pushed one Florida man over the edge.

Federal authorities have arrested Matthew Comiskey, who was indicted on five counts of making an interstate threat toward Boebert via Twitter.

Seamus Hughes, Deputy Director of the Program on Extremism at George Washington University, first reported the news via Twitter.

A grand jury alleged that Comiskey threatened Boebert on five different occasions via Twitter dating back to Aug. 31, 2021. One tweet said: “If I ever saw Lauren I’d be glad to take her out and go to prison. Would be job well done.”

Boebert told Newsmax: “I’m thankful for the professional and effective work of the Capitol Police and the FBI. The hateful and dangerous lies by Fake News outlets like Business Insider and the HuffPost encourage these sick people to make such threats against me and my family.


“These threats will not deter me from my work to effectively represent the 3rd District of Colorado and secure the rights of the American people,” she continued.

The outlet reported that it’s not clear what Comiskey was upset about, but in one tweet he said Boebert shouldn’t come to Florida. One threat allegedly from Comiskey read: “Don’t come to Florida. Us libs have big guns here and we stand our ground. Take you down like Trayvon.”

The outlet continued:

Boebert is a gun rights advocate who has showed up to work armed. The congresswoman on Thursday said she didn’t support greater gun control laws after the Texas school shooting, but did back increased security in schools.

“I want our schools secured. I want their children protected, and I want teachers that can protect themselves and their students. And do you know what? We can achieve this without trying to disarm law-abiding citizens,” she said.

“For me, this is my equalizer. I need a way to protect myself and my children. And my firearm is my equalizer, my tool to do that,” she continued.

Most recently, Boebert took Democrats to task over the country’s deepening shortages of baby formula.

“The clowns are running the circus. It’s plain and simple. Now that men can get pregnant we have a baby formula shortage. I would like to go back to the days when men should note get pregnant so we can feed the babies,” she told Fox News and talk radio host Dan Bongino.

“Leave it to the philosophy major testifying before Congress that men can have babies. Anyone who says men — biological men — can have babies is a lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” Boebert added.


“It was baffling to watch this take place,” she said. “Drawing out what the ideology really is of these leftists.”

“Democrats are disconnected from reality. They think men can get pregnant and have babies and women’s sports should include men. They say the border is closed. Their solution to the formula crisis is to give the FDA who is responsible for the crisis a race,” the Colorado lawmaker continued.

“We have already given them a billion in bailouts, and another $100 million in bailouts. Now they need another $28 million. I am tired of the Nancy Pelosi con game where bills are titled one way but don’t solve the problem. If the bills we voted on in Congress matched their titles, I would probably vote yes a heck of a lot more,” she added.

Last summer, as illegal border crossings skyrocketed after President Biden reversed most of his predecessor’s border security policies, Boebert took a cardboard cutout of Vice President Kamala Harris — whom Biden appointed to deal with the issue — to the border with her, to make a campaign-style video highlighting the issue.
