
MTG: Biden ‘Will Be Impeached’ Over Report Allegedly Linking Him to ‘Criminal Scheme’


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is predicting that President Joe Biden “will be impeached” following an explosive report alleging the president engaged in a “criminal scheme.”

House Oversight Chairman James Comer and Iowa GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley announced a whistleblower had come forth claiming the Department of the Justice and FBI possess a file describing an alleged “criminal scheme” between Biden and a foreign national while he was serving as Vice President in then-President Barack Obama’s White House.

Grassley described the whistleblower as “credible.”

Axios described the claims against Biden as “the most direct allegation against President Biden himself.”

Greene posted a “breaking news” video along with a copy of the joint letter from Grassley and Comer suggesting she now has “evidence” to prove Biden’s alleged “criminal scheme.”

Greene claims the alleged document that the FBI and DOJ will not turn over allegedly contains “proof and information that Joe Biden, as Vice President of the United States, actually interacted with a foreign national and made a deal with a foreign national in exchange for money.”

Greene suggested impeachment is on the table.


“Now on the Oversight Committee, because we have real subpoena powers, we have the power to investigate and we have the power to do what we’re doing now. And that form shows the proof that Joe Biden took a money payment from a foreign national in exchange for policy decisions while he was vice president of the United States,” Greene claims. “This means that Joe Biden will be impeached.”

During an interview with Fox News, Grassley echoed similar remarks and said the whistleblower is viewed as “credible” by the Committee.

“So the Justice Department, the FBI needs to come clean to the American people, what they did with the document, because we know the document exists from very credible whistleblower information that we got. We really need to know what steps did the Justice Department and FBI take to investigate and vet the document to determine if it’s accurate or not?” Grassley said.

“If the Justice Department and the FBI have any hopes of redeeming their once trusted position with the American people, Garland and Wray must answer this subpoena and tell us what they’re doing with this information that we think is very credible based upon what whistleblowers are telling us,” Grassley added.

White House spokesman Ian Sams issued a tweet this week on the report and did not directly deny the allegations.

“For going on 5 years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbing unfounded politically-motivated attacks against [Biden] without offering evidence for their claims,” Sams tweeted.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer has threatened to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress after the bureau has refused to turn over a document subpoenaed by his committee that purportedly contains damning evidence against President Biden.

According to remarks from other Republicans, there are allegations that the internal unclassified FD-1023 form contains information outlining an alleged “arrangement” involving the exchange of money in return for policy decisions.

If Wray fails to produce the record by May 30, the committee said it will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.


In a letter addressed to Wray on Wednesday, Comer stated that he is taking steps to narrow the scope of the subpoena for the document. As part of this effort, he has included two additional terms, namely “June 30, 2020” and “five million,” which may be referenced in the record.

“The FBI’s refusal to produce this single document is obstructionist,” Comer’s letter noted.

In a statement, the FBI relied on a claim of national security that critics find dubious.

“The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people. Releasing confidential source information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk,” the bureau’s statement said. “The FBI remains committed to cooperating with Congress’s oversight requests on this matter and others as we always have.”
