
Musk Is ‘Doubly Pissed Off’ Over Donation to Hillary Clinton After Learning She Approved Trump Collusion Hoax


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Tesla and SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk blasted 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton following a report Friday involving a court admission by her former campaign manager that she authorized releasing false information about her GOP rival, Donald Trump, to the media.

For years it has been reported that Clinton was behind the so-called “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax, and during testimony in the trial of former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann — charged by special counsel John Durham with lying to the FBI — Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign chief, admitted she signed off on leaking that false information to the press.

Mook testified that Clinton authorized leaking the allegation that there was a covert electronic communications backchannel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank, even though campaign officials admitted they were not “totally confident” the information was accurate.

The claim of ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ has been thoroughly debunked; Mook’s revelation set Musk off.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) wrote on Twitter: “Christopher Steele created the dossier. Glenn Simpson sold it to the press. Michael Sussman took it to the FBI. And Democrats and the media lied to you about it all.”

Elon Musk responded: “All true. Bet most people still don’t know that a Clinton campaign lawyer, using campaign funds, created an elaborate hoax about Trump and Russia.”

He added, “Makes you wonder what else is fake.”


Musk also linked to a BBC article titled: “Clinton lawyer lied to manipulate FBI over Trump.”

He then responded to a post from a Twitter account called “Tesla Facts” claiming in a “fact check” that the allegation against Sussmann is “false” because Sussmann wasn’t working for Clinton’s campaign when he told FBI general counsel James Baker he wasn’t working on behalf of anyone as he passed along the phony narrative that the Trump Organization had a secret electronic link to Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank in Moscow.

“Sussmann himself admitted billing Clinton Campaign to pay for him to present Russia hoax to FBI! This is not even questioned by the defense,” Musk noted in another tweet.

“Btw, I donated to & voted for Hillary, so am doubly pissed off about those funds being used for lying.”

Mook was called to testify by Sussmann’s defense team.

Fox News noted:

During cross-examination by government prosecutor Andrew DeFillippis Friday, Mook was asked about the campaign’s understanding of the Alfa Bank allegations against Trump and whether they planned to release the data to the media.

Mook said he was first briefed about the Alfa Bank issue by campaign general counsel Marc Elias, who at the time was a partner at lawfirm Perkins Coie.

Mook testified that he was told that the data had come from “people that had expertise in this sort of matter.”

Mook said the campaign was not totally confident in the legitimacy of the data, but had hoped to give the information to a reporter who could further “run it down” to determine if it was “accurate” or “substantive.”


He also said that he discussed whether to pass along the information to a reporter with senior campaign officials including the campaign’s chairman, John Podesta, then-communications director Jennifer Palmieri, and senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan, the latter of whom now serves as President Joe Biden’s national security adviser.

“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook told the court.

“I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” Mook noted.

After he was pressed about Clinton’s response, Mook replied: “She agreed.”
