
Newsmax Host Reveals Trump ‘Evidence’ In Documents Case During Live Segment


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

A Newsmax TV host ripped the Justice Department’s indictment of former President Donald Trump during a segment of his Wednesday evening show while attempting to demonstrate why he believes the allegations are bogus.

“You don’t have to be a lawyer to look at this and know that it’s a scam,” host Greg Kelly said regarding Trump’s indictment over his retention of classified documents.

“Number one, in that indictment, they put some pictures in the indictment to scare us,” Kelly went on. “Ooh, look at all these boxes. The classified documents are in the boxes. These pictures are actually in the indictment, and there are dozens and dozens of boxes.”

“So I went through the indictment and saw that how many documents, classified documents, did the FBI actually recover? 102,” the host continued.

At that, Kelly produced a box of his own that he said contained 600 pages to demonstrate that the evidence obtained by the FBI could fit in just a fraction of a single box, not the dozens reportedly seized during the raid last August on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

“So everybody, I got a box right here, alright? This is one box. One box, and inside, I have 600 pages. That’s 600 pages. From Staples, this is 500, and this, I opened another… This is about a hundred right here,” he said.


“Can I see those pictures again? Why were they in the indictment? Why were they wall-to-wall television? Why? Because they want to put it in everybody’s head, potential jurors’ heads, that this stuff is full of classified material. It’s not,” he added.

“One box! Not even one box,” he said with a laugh.

Trump railed at special prosecutor Jack Smith after the former president appeared in a Miami federal courtroom on Tuesday to answer a multiple-count indictment for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

In comments at his Bedminster, N.J., golf course later in the evening, Trump described Smith and the “Department of Injustice” as “thugs” who are trying to destroy his family.

“By the way, I will tell you, I’m here, and I love you all, and we can take it. But what these thugs, what these thugs have done to my family, is a disgrace. I’ll tell you that,” he said at one point.

“And I say it to all of the fake news because there’s a lot of it back there,” Trump continued, pointing at reporters at the back of the crowd. “What they did to my family. And that young man right there, he’s answered more subpoenas than any human being in the history of the world,” he added, apparently referencing his son, Eric Trump.


“And you know what? They have nothing. After all of those subpoenas, literally thousands. Congress, fake counsels, the Mueller report, all of this. All he did is answer subpoenas all the time. At least he’s become very experienced at that. Congratulations. But Eric is fantastic. And what he and Don and Ivanka and the whole group, that’s what they’ve gone through,” the former president continued.

“Take a look at this guy. He looks like a thug,” he said of Smith. “He feels much safer in the inner sanctums of the Department of Injustice, where he can be in his room and scream at people. He’s a raging and uncontrolled Trump hater, as is his wife, who also happened to be the producer of that Michelle Obama puff piece,” he added.

Smith has charged Trump with 37 counts related to his handling of classified documents. If he is found guilty on all counts, Trump — who is President Joe Biden’s chief rival in next year’s presidential election — could face decades in prison.
