
Establishment Arkansas Gov. Hutchinson Won’t Rule Out 2024 Presidential Run


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Another election cycle, another establishment Republican suggesting they may run for president.

During an interview on CNN, outgoing Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson seemed to suggest he is open to running for president in 2024.

Hutchinson was first elected as the governor of Arkansas in 2014 but can’t run for re-election because of term limits.

He was also recently praised by the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for distancing himself from Donald Trump.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “Before I let you go. You said on this very show earlier this year it was too soon to start thinking about a possible 2024 presidential run. Your term is going to be up soon as Arkansas governor. Former President Trump said this week that he made up his mind about running. What about you? Have you ruled it out?”

Hutchinson said, “I am concentrating on the present, which is getting through this pandemic, supporting Arkansas through my term. I want to be engaged for a national debate. It is important for the direction of our party and our country. That is my immediate concentration. We’ll see what the future holds.”

Bash said, “Definitely did not rule it out. I want to say that for the record. Governor, thank you so much. And have a great Fourth tonight.”

Hutchinson said, “Thanks, Dana. Thank you, you too as well.”


For his part, it’s still up in the air if Donald Trump plans to run for president in 2024.


Trump dropped a big hint last Wednesday night about his possible future plans.

During a town hall, Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Trump about his plans for the 2024 election and the live audience roared with applause when he responded.

“We don’t have a lot of time, but let’s talk about your future plans,” Hannity began.

“Now…Let me ask the crowd of everybody here, would you like to see the president run again in 2024?” Hannity asked the crowd.

He was met with immediate cheers and applause.

Hannity then asked Trump: “Let me ask you this without giving the answers, have you made up your mind?”

“Yes,” Trump said with a smile.


Trump was in Texas alongside Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott held a few events together before the 45th president was visiting the border in the Rio Grande Valley.

A few weeks ago, Trump made headlines when discussing the 2020 presidential election.

During an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump said he has “not conceded” the November election.

“I never admitted defeat,” Trump said. “No, I never, the word is ‘concede,’ [and] I have not conceded.”


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Republicans are solely focused on reclaiming the majority in the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterm elections.


Republicans need a net gain of 5 seats to regain the House majority in the midterms next November.

The GOP has another big advantage now: they are raking in historical amounts of money.

Republicans set a fundraising record for the third month in a row and now have $42.1 million in cash on hand with zero dollars in debt.

House Republicans have history on their side as they aim to regain the chamber.

The party that controls the White House, which is currently the Democrats, on average loses roughly 25 House seats in the midterm elections.

And the once-in-a-decade redistricting process – pegged to the 2020 census – is expected to generally favor Republicans over Democrats.
