
Paramedic Who Cared For Trump Gives Moving Speech at Butler Rally


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Sally Sheri was among the first responders after the July 13 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

After the terrifying experience, Sheri, an emergency room paramedic at Butler Memorial Hospital, provided Trump with care and reported seeing his “deeply rooted bond with his family.”

Sheri gave a speech during Trump’s historic return to the rally site on Saturday.

“That evening, I witnessed a man with a deeply rooted bond with his family. I heard him speak with his wife, his children, and his grandchildren. He let them know that he was safe and that he was being taken care of,” Sheri said.

“I heard his daughter say ‘Only by the grace of God you’re here,’” Sheri added.

She also drew a stark contrast between the man she was caring for that day and the twisted caricature that the media was pushing.

“What I saw was a man, that in the aftermath of one of the most terrifying experiences of his life, showed resiliency. He showed strength and courage. He showed that his family was at the forefront,” Sheri said.

“He was compassionate and grateful. He was kind and humble. Several times I stood and stared at him with tears rolling down my cheeks. I held the hand of that man who sends out the mean tweets and I thanked him for loving our country and for fighting for our freedoms,” Sheri said.

Sheri talked about her calling’s passion, which includes work in the wake of 9/11. She revealed that on that fateful day, she witnessed President Trump answer his calling.


“When I look back to the date of July 13, I see our first responders and our soon-to-be 47th president doing just that: Answering their calling,” Sheri said.


This comes as voters are more confident that Trump will defeat Vice President Kamala Harris in the election.

A new survey by Rasmussen Reports shared last week showed that the voters surveyed believed the former president would emerge victorious, though the margin was not massive.

The question posed to the people surveyed was, “Regardless of who you plan to vote for, who do you think is most likely to win the presidential election?”

The survey found that 45 percent of likely voters believe the former president will regain the White House, 43 percent believe it would be the vice president and 11 percent are not certain.

But when broken into party affiliation, the numbers show almost identical percentages have confidence in their candidate.

Among Democrats, the survey showed that 76 percent believe that Harris will win, while only 16 percent believe Trump will defeat her, with seven percent who are not certain.

Among Republicans, 77 percent said they believe the former president will recapture the White House, while 16 percent believe the vice president will be the next president and seven percent are not certain.

Remarkably similar numbers from the two camps.

But a plurality of those who identify as independents believe that Trump will defeat Harris by a wide margin of 45 percent to 36 percent while 19 percent, of independent voters say they are not certain.

“Among those who say they’ll vote for Harris, 87% say she is most likely to win, compared to 82% of Trump voters who think he is the most likely winner. It’s among undecided voters that Trump has a decisive advantage on this question, with 35% believing him to be most likely to win, compared to just three percent (3%) who see Harris as the likely winner,” the report said.

And the former president has continued to gain ground on the vice president in both national and state polls, a new Marist poll showed.


“While Harris (71%) is ahead of Trump (28%) among likely voters who plan to cast their ballot by mail or absentee ballot, Trump (58%) has the advantage over Harris (40%) among those who plan to vote on Election Day. Those who plan to vote at an early voting location divide (50% for Trump to 48% for Harris).

Trump (53%) leads Harris (45%) among white voters who are likely to cast a ballot. Harris (60%) is ahead of Trump (39%) among non-white voters, although still behind Biden’s showing among these voters in 2020 (71%),” it said.

A brand new poll shows that former President Donald Trump is ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris in five of the seven crucial swing states, which will be crucial in deciding who wins the election.

According to an AtlasIntel survey of likely voters in battleground states, Trump leads in Pennsylvania (51 percent to 48.1) and Michigan (50.6 percent to 47.2).

The former president is also in a “narrow” lead in the states that are in doubt: Arizona (49.8 percent to 48.6), Georgia (49.6 percent to 49), and Wisconsin (49.7 percent to 48.2). AtlasIntel provided this information. In Nevada (50.5 percent to 47.7) and North Carolina (50.5 percent to 48.1), Harris is ahead.

538 voters chose AtlasIntel as the most reliable polling organization for the 2020 presidential contest. If the Republican takes the five battleground states that he presently leads in their polling, with Harris at 248 Electoral College votes, Trump would win the 2024 election with 290 Electoral College votes.

Between September 20 and 25, AtlastIntel conducted polls, with a margin of error of two to three percentage points.

According to the AtlasIntel poll, Trump would prevail in two of Harris’s most important “blue wall” battleground states.