
Jack Posobiec: Pelosi Telling People She Won’t Seek Re-Election After VA Disaster


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Democrats can see the red wave coming and it appears one of the biggest names in the party may be calling it quits.

Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec said on Tuesday, as a red wave swept the nation, that House Speaker and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi is telling people she is heading to retirement.

“Hearing Pelosi is telling people she is not running for re-election tonight. Doesn’t want to be tied to 2022,” he said.

Last month, a report from The Atlantic declared that Democrats may already have her replacement if they keep the House majority next year.

“Democratic members of Congress won’t talk about any of this publicly, as if Pelosi might suddenly appear and pull their hearts from their chests,” it said. “Pretty much every Democrat in Congress and beyond is confident that Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York will be the next speaker of the House if Democrats manage to hold on to their majority next year.”

She spoke to CNN host Jake Tapper on a myriad of subjects a week ago and, among those, was her possible election campaign for 2022 when the host asked her if she intended to seek the position again.

“You think I’m going to make an announcement right here and now?” she said.

“You’re gonna run for re-election though, yes?” the host said.


“Why would I tell you that now?” she said as she left.

“It’s not just me, it’s the American people. It’s the world. This is an international show,” he said.

“Probably I would have that conversation with my family first if you don’t mind,” she said.

During the interview, she postulated that Democrats could act alone to raise the debt ceiling again in December using budget reconciliation.

“That’s one path. But we’re still hoping to have bipartisanship,” she said on “State of the Union,” CNN reported.

But there could be other reasons for her not seeking election again in 2022, as her poll numbers have cratered.

Breitbart News reported.

The leader of congressional Democrats has dropped double digits in approval rating since February per the latest National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) battleground survey results, a whole new low for Pelosi that further complicates Democrats’ efforts to pass President Joe Biden’s agenda and save their majorities in the U.S. House and Senate next year.

The results, obtained by Breitbart News, show that Pelosi has fallen to just a 36 percent approval rating across congressional battleground districts—with a solid majority of 57 percent of Americans disapproving of her performance. This October battleground poll, therefore, means she is 21 points underwater—a full 10 percent worse than she was in the NRCC’s February survey, when Pelosi was just 11 percent underwater.

“It is impressive that the least popular politician in the country has somehow managed to become even more unpopular,” Mike Berg, a spokesmanfor the NRCC, said to Breitbart News. “We are going to ensure voters know that Nancy Pelosi is the running mate for every vulnerable Democrat who backed her for Speaker of the House.”

With a razor-thin majority in the House, Pelosi’s unpopularity could be an anchor around the Democrat Party in the 2022 midterm elections and further shrink their presence in the House of Representatives enough to give Republicans the majority.

And fellow Democrats are starting to sense that their majority is perilously close to ending.


“We are not going to do what we need to do next year until we build enough intestinal fortitude to start operating a little outside or beyond our comfort zones,” Democrat Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House said at a virtual event with the Charleston Jewish Federation on Wednesday, Jewish Insider reported.

“We’re not there yet. I’m hopeful that we can get there. Will we ever get there? That remains to be seen,” he said.

“I think we can. I’m not sure we will,” the representative said. “My dad used to say to me all the time, ‘Wherever there is a will, there is a way.’ I’m not too sure that Democrats have yet developed the will to win in 2022.”

He appeared to blame progressive Democrats and not Pelosi for the issues the party is facing.

“Progressives have got to feel like they can take a chance on moderates. Get outside of their comfort zone. Moderates have got to feel the same way about progressives,” he said. “And between those two, you’ve got the New [Democrats], you’ve got the Congressional Black Caucus, you’ve got the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, you’ve got the Asian and Pacific Islanders, all of us operating within our comfort zone.”
