
Psaki Calls Biden’s Afghan Crisis ‘A Success,’ Appears To Admit Some Americans Will Be Left Behind


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made two stunning admissions this week that are only going to make the Biden administration’s Afghanistan crisis worse.

During the press briefing, Psaki not only called Joe Biden’s Afghanistan crisis “a success,” she appeared to admit that not all Americans will be evacuated from the Taliban-controlled country.

Psaki said the mission to evacuate U.S. citizens depended “on continued coordination with the Taliban,” adding that Biden has requested contingency plans from the Pentagon.

At another point in the briefing, Psaki said the evacuations of U.S. citizens would stop before the August 31 deadline.

In the video clip below, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy cornered Psaki on these claims and she appears to admit that not all Americans will be evacuated by the Aug. 31 deadline.

This, of course, leads many to believe that once the U.S. is out of the country by the deadline, they won’t be able to get back in to rescue others stranded.

“I would say that this is now on track to be the largest airlift in U.S. history,” Psaki said. “And that is bringing American citizens out. It is bringing our Afghan partners out. It is bringing allies out. So, no, I would not say that is anything but a success.”



During another exchange, Psaki seemed to concede that some Americans could be left behind in the terrorist-controlled country.

Below is a transcript of the exchange:

REPORTER: Okay. Say after the withdrawal is done, it’s declared, it’s done, everyone’s out, if one U.S. citizen was suddenly discovered saying, “Hey, I really want to get out and I’m stuck,” who knows where, somewhere in Afghanistan or in Kabul, he’s got any problem, would this trigger a diplomatic, military, all hands on deck type thing to get to that person out, whatever the date?

PSAKI: Our commitment continues to be to U.S. citizens. If they want to leave, we will help get them out.

REPORTER: No matter of what the date?

PSAKI: Again, we expect there could be some, but I’m not going to get into it further. Go ahead.


The Biden administration’s catastrophic response to the Afghanistan crisis has led to several top officials calling for Biden to be removed from office.

The United Kingdom’s Houses of Parliament officially voted to hold Joe Biden in contempt over his disastrous handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Senate Democrats are planning to investigate the Biden administration’s “flawed” American withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees — both chaired by Democrats — are planning to investigate the catastrophic withdrawal.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott suggested using the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from the presidency.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has slammed Biden for his handling of the withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, which have descended into chaos over the weekend as Taliban forces seized much of the country.


McCarthy is now calling for investigations into Biden’s handling of the crisis.

Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said she is drafting Articles of Impeachment against Biden as the debacle on his Afghanistan withdrawal of troops continues.

Kamala Harris is also reportedly refusing to accept any responsibility.

A source reportedly said that Harris refused to be part of addressing the American people after the terrorist group took over Kubal, the capital of Afghanistan.

A source said Harris screamed: “They will not pin this sh*t on me!”
