
House Republicans’ First Probe After Gaining Majority Will Focus on Joe, Hunter Biden


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

House Republicans wasted no time on Thursday announcing the first of what is expected to be many investigations after they managed to wrest back control of the chamber from Democrats.

In a press conference, Reps. James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, the latter of whom is expected to take over the chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee, said GOP investigators had a mountain of evidence, much of it supplied by whistleblowers, allegedly indicating ‘pay-for-play’ schemes spanning dozens of countries and allegedly involving Hunter Biden essentially selling access to his politically connected father, who spent decades in the Senate and two terms as vice president.

Here is a transcript of some of Comer’s remarks via Grabien:

Joe Biden claimed he did not have conversations with his family about their business dealings. That was a lie. Whistleblowers describe President Biden as chairman of the board for these businesses. He personally participated in meetings and phone calls. Document showed that he was a partner with access to an office. To be clear, Joe Biden is the big guy.


This evidence raises troubling questions about whether President Biden is a national security risk and about whether he is compromised by foreign government. Despite the president’s claim that he wasn’t involved in Biden family business schemes, these photos show Joe Biden meeting with his family associates while vice president. Four different pictures.

Committee Republicans have identified over 50 countries the Biden family sought businesses in on the international side of the Biden family business. The deals were often led by Hunter Biden. And that map there behind play shows all the countries where the Biden’s had a footprint in international business dealings.

The investigation reveals a family that engaged with some of America’s most powerful adversaries, planning the sale one of the largest sources of cobalt for electric vehicles in the world to the Chinese, for example. The Bidens flourished and became millionaires by simply offering access to the family. Among the dozens of shell companies that Biden set up, there were millions of dollars of wire transfers, flights on Air Force Two to conduct personal business and meetings with heads of state all while Joe Biden was aware of what was happening.

All the while, he turned a blind eye. Many transactions related to these businesses have raised red flags at U.S. banks. A suspicious activity report or SAR is a document a bank must file with the Treasury Department when a transaction is suspected to be related to money laundering, or fraud, or other types of criminal activity. According to media reports, the Biden family accumulated over 150 SARs.

One SAR generated by an American Bank to the Treasury Department connects Hunter Biden and his business associates to international human trafficking, among other illegal activities. The money that was being made from foreign principals in the same room as Joe Biden was increasingly spent on furthering illegal activity. The SAR showed that Hunter Biden was conducting business with suspected human traffickers.

The money gained through influence peddling was function — was funneled to a suspected criminal enterprise. Again, one Link to human trafficking. We have repeatedly called on the Biden Treasury Department to release additional financial documents…

Jordan added that House Republicans will be conducting major oversight regarding Biden’s Justice Department and FBI, via Grabien:


Is the FBI going to quit interfering with elections? 2016, they spied on President Trump’s campaign. 2018, it was the Mueller investigation. 2020, they suppressed information about the Hunter Biden story. 2022, they raided the president’s home, 91 days before the election.

Maybe it’d be nice if the FBI and the Justice Department just stayed out of it, let we the people decide who we think should represent us, who we think should lead us. That’s supposed to be how America works.

So this is the focus on the Judiciary Committee, the political nature of the Justice Department, and the linkage now to what was happening with the Hunter Biden story, again, just 15 days before we have a presidential election.
