
Rumors About Hunter Biden Grow Amid Bizarre Behavior Following Cocaine Discovery at White House


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

The Secret Service and other legal experts have described how the search for the person who brought cocaine into the White House will go, and that includes checking video surveillance.

To that point, several people online have pointed to what looked like odd behavior involving Hunter Biden during a recent White House event.

The first son famously had a drug abuse problem and it involved the use of cocaine. And while there’s no evidence that he is still using it or that he may have been the one who brought it into the White House, a shot video clip has internet sleuths asking questions.

In the video, President Biden is seen waving from a White House balcony, accompanied by his family during the past holiday weekend. Hunter, who was also present, bid goodnight to his wife and young son, and as he raised his hand to his nose, it sparked speculation suggesting his potential involvement with cocaine.

There has been no evidence presented publicly that proves or even suggests that Hunter Biden is using it again.

That said, a person with knowledge of the situation confirmed on Wednesday that laboratory testing for the material discovered in the White House on Sunday was cocaine.


“Previous field testing showed a positive result for cocaine, but the substance was sent for further evaluation and testing, the Secret Service had said previously. The substance was found near the ground floor entrance to the West Wing, the person said. The location is where staff-led tours of the White House pass through on their way into the building,” CNN reported.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Sources had previously described the substance as a white powder found in a small, zipped bag. It was found by Secret Service personnel conducting routine rounds of the building. The discovery of the substance on Sunday evening triggered a brief evacuation as part of what the Secret Service described as ‘precautionary closures,’” the outlet added.



President Joe Biden spent the weekend at Camp David and arrived back at the White House Tuesday morning. Officials are working to determine who brought cocaine into the building.

A law enforcement expert has detailed how he believes the investigation into discovering who may have brought cocaine into the White House this week will go.

CNN analyst John Miller, an author and former New York Police Department official, said that the search will be expansive and will involve “a wide range of possible suspects, including staffers or even journalists,” the Daily Wire reported.

Host Jake Tapper on Wednesday asked Miller to share his thoughts on how the white powder, which was verified in a lab to be cocaine, could have gotten into a guest lobby at the White House and to update viewers on what he’s heard thus far.

Asked whether he believes the Secret Service’s presumption that a tourist brought it in is correct, Miller told Tapper “no.”

“That’s a possibility because people who come through — the tours go through there,” Miller said. “But that area is … you’ve been through that entrance, I’ve been through that entrance … there’s the canopy right there, it comes in off the street, and then you go in there — there’s a bunch of cubbies where you put your phones if you’re going to one of those restricted areas where you can’t carry a phone — like the Situation Room or somewhere else — where people can put other belongings.”

He then explained that the culprit could be a White House staffer because the cocaine was found near that area, “right by where those cubbies are.”

Miller noted the perp could also be “a member of the press who was there for a specific interview with someone on that side of the West Wing.”

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