
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Shreds Biden, Says Policies Destroying The Country


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a former White House press secretary whose name has been mentioned as a potential running mate with her former boss, Donald Trump, tore into President Joe Biden and his administration over its lax immigration and border control policies.

In an interview with Fox News host Jesse Watters, Sanders noted that border security had skyrocketed to become one of the primary concerns among voters this election cycle.

“Governor, why is it so hard to deport people who don’t belong here who kick cops, drive drunk, and steal my grandma’s Social Security number?” Watters asked at the top of the interview.

“Because we have a president who absolutely doesn’t care that millions and millions of people are coming across our border illegally. He has the power to shut the border down, to stop it. He can reinstate the remain-in-Mexico policy. He could actually build the wall,” she said.

“There is a lot of things he could be doing, and this simply is a complete and total failure by this administration. In the state of Arkansas alone, we seized enough fentanyl in the last year to kill every single person in our entire state,” Sanders added.

“That’s nearly 3 million people. Every man, woman and child. Enough fentanyl just in this state alone. It’s an absolute disgrace what this president is doing, and it’s another great example while in November he has to go, and Donald Trump has to be put back in place so we can secure our border and get our country back,” she said.


Watters interjected at that point: “Do think Joe Biden loves this country?”

“If he did, he certainly wouldn’t be trying to destroy it second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s allowed our economy to drop and our border to completely collapse. Our enemies certainly don’t fear us,” Sanders said.

She concluded: “Our allies don’t respect us. Literally, every single thing he does is at the destruction and demise of the people in this country. I think it is frankly totally disgraceful and disqualifying for him to be president of the United States if he cannot do the simple job of securing our border either at the south or the north.”


Sanders later traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, where state officials and Guard troops have taken over a state park that borders Mexico in a stand-off with the Biden administration.

Earlier this week, a bipartisan border security bill that largely contained funding for Ukraine and other countries fell apart after Republican House leaders declared it would not pass because it still allowed thousands of people into the country illegally every day.


“It did not take long to realize that this is dead on arrival. There’s no way we could bring this through the House,” Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Thursday.

“The Senate expects us to pass a bill, a he is pooh of legislation that you just did a great job dismantling here. What it would do is actually further incentivize illegal immigration. Would not resolve any of the problems. Not reform in any meaningful way the broken asylum system,” he continued.

“The broken parole process and all the things that have created this catastrophe. And, by the way, meanwhile, it further empowers the very cabinet secretary who designed and created this mess. They don’t follow federal law. Why would we do this anyway? But the bill itself would actually do more harm than good and that’s why we have said it’s a nonstarter over here in the house,” Johnson added.

The Speaker continued: “I’m going to make this point again because Senator Schumer isn’t listening, apparently. The president of the United States has the authority right now to fix this crisis. He has broad executive authority under the federal statutes, and Chuck Schumer knows it, and President Biden knows it. And he refuses to use that they could stop this, they could stop the flow immediately. They don’t want to, Laura. I think you alluded to a few moments ago exactly why that is.”
