
Speaker Johnson Announces Major New Legislation Following Trump Meeting


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced a major election integrity reform bill following his meeting with former President Donald Trump at the latter’s Mar-a-Lago estate late Friday.

“Every single person who registers to vote in a Federal election must prove they’re an American citizen first” under the bill, Johnson told reporters. “Our bill would put us on par with virtually every other democracy around the world that also prohibits non-citizen voting.”

“It seems like common sense. I’m sure all of us would agree that we only want U.S. citizens to vote in U.S. elections,” Johnson added.

In addition, former GOP presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy offered his own advice to the GOP in terms of shoring up election integrity.

“A simple message to the GOP: play to win. 1. Make Election Day a National Holiday 2. Single-Day Voting 3. Paper Ballots 4. Government-issued voter ID to match the voter file 5. English as the sole language that appears on a ballot,” he wrote on X in a post featuring a clip of an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham.


Meanwhile, “Trump offered a political lifeline Friday to House Speaker Mike Johnson, saying the beleaguered GOP leader is doing a ‘very good job,’ and tamping down the far-right forces led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene trying to oust him from office,” The Associated Press reported on Friday.

Trump and Johnson stood together at the ex-president’s Mar-a-Lago club, symbolizing a crucial moment for the new House leader as he aligns himself and his GOP majority with the indicted Republican Party leader in anticipation of the November election.

“I stand with the speaker,” Trump said, adding he believes the Louisiana Republican leader is “doing a very good job – he’s doing about as good as you’re going to do” with a small GOP majority in the House.

“We’re getting along very well with the speaker — and I get along very well with Marjorie,” who has filed an initial motion to vacate the Speaker’s chair, Trump said. The former president also said those efforts to oust the Speaker were” unfortunate,” adding there are “much bigger problems” right now.

The duo made a joint announcement regarding new legislation mandating proof of citizenship for voting, underscoring the significance of the trip for both figures. Johnson sought Trump’s support to mitigate firm threats of eviction from office. Meanwhile, Trump gains from the validation of official Washington rushing to Florida to endorse his comeback bid for the White House, despite the controversies surrounding his election claims.

Greene filed her motion last month amid anger about the government funding bill.

“The House would have to consider Greene’s motion within two legislative days after she is recognized. The chamber is heading for a two-week recess, and Greene told reporters she would not call up the resolution on Friday, which means the clock to force a vote has not started,” Axios reported.


“After Greene filed the motion, she was swarmed by her Republican colleagues. A source close to the conversations told CNN that a number of fellow GOP lawmakers were trying to convince the Georgia Republican not to bring the motion. Two of the lawmakers who were there, GOP Reps. Barry Loudermilk and Kat Cammack, were observed to be in an extended conversation with Greene,” the outlet added.

That vote has yet to happen, however, as she has not filed an actionable motion just yet.

Greene spoke to reporters and said: “Short or getting the vote is necessary how can you find someone to succeed Mike Johnson who can get the votes and keep the conference together and not plunge the chamber into chaos? It because the country is in crisis. We have a border invasion happening every single day. People under 30 years old has lost hope for their future. The younger generations cannot afford to buy homes, and inflation is running rampant.”

“Our country is in crisis and we need real leaders who know how to fight and know how to walk into the ring and do not get rolled by the deep state, or by the Democrats do not get rolled into doing whatever it takes to maintain that power and position. We need to speak of the house that actually represents the people,” she added.
