
Survey: Biden Approval Lowest In History At This Point In Presidency


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

President Joe Biden has set a historical precedent, but it’s not one he, his administration, or his campaign should be proud of.

According to Gallup, Biden’s approval rating stands at a record low of 38.7 percent at this juncture in a president’s first term, marking the lowest point in the nation’s history since the polling firm commenced its surveys, as reported by the Washington Times.

“None of the other nine presidents elected to their first term since Dwight Eisenhower had a lower 13th-quarter average than Biden,” Gallup said, referring to the period between Jan. 20 and April 19. “From a broader historical perspective, Biden’s most recent quarterly average ranks 277th out of 314 presidential quarters in Gallup records dating to 1945. That puts it in the bottom 12% of all presidential quarters.”

The Times added, citing Gallup’s data, that over the same period in their presidencies, former President George H.W. Bush holds the second-lowest rating at 41.8%, followed by former Presidents Obama at 45.9% and Trump at 46.8%.

In October, after a brutal and deadly surprise attack by the Hamas terrorist organization on Israel, President Biden’s approval rating took another hit. What’s surprising is that the dip in his popularity came mostly from Democratic voters, who were unhappy with his support for Israel in the wake of the attack.

A recent report from Pew Research has shown that Catholics in the United States have shifted their support towards former President Donald Trump and away from Biden.


In a head-to-head matchup between the two candidates, 55% of Catholics now support or lean towards supporting former President Donald Trump, while only 45% support Biden. This represents a significant shift in support for Trump since 2020 when he held a very narrow lead of 50% to 49%.

Biden currently has a narrow lead among Hispanic Catholics, with 49% supporting him and 47% supporting Trump. However, this still represents a major shift rightward for this demographic, as a similar poll in 2020 found that 67% of Hispanic Catholics preferred Biden to Trump.

Protestants, on the other hand, expressed overwhelming support for Trump, with approximately 60% backing him, and only about 38% leaning towards Biden, Fox News reported.

Atheists, agnostics, and the religiously unaffiliated broke in favor of Biden by a significant margin, with around 69% saying they would back the Democratic incumbent, while only 28% voiced support for Trump.

Despite his efforts to assert himself as a devout Catholic, Biden’s support of policies that go against the teachings of the Catholic Church, such as pro-choice deregulation and affirmation of gender ideology, has been met with pushback from Catholic leaders.

Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., previously called Biden a “Caféteria Catholic,”  saying he “picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts.”

Meanwhile, in an earlier USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll, Trump defeated Biden 40% to 38%, drawing a near-tie in a volatile electorate as the candidates get underway.


“Nearly eight months out, the election is not set yet. One in four people surveyed said they might change their minds before November. That unsettled sentiment was bipartisan, including 14% of Biden voters and 15% of Trump voters,” USA Today reported.

The outlet added: “Most of those now backing a third-party candidate said they were open to changing their minds, among them 75% of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supporters and 94% of Jill Stein supporters. That signals the potential erosion independent candidates often see as Election Day nears. It also provides a big opportunity for each major-party candidate to make his case to voters who are now reluctant to support him and to convince those voters that it would be dangerous or unwise to back the other guy.”

Concerns about immigration (24%) and challenges to democracy (23%) trailed closely behind voters’ rankings of inflation and the economy, which accounted for 29% of their vote.

Abortion was the only other topic to reach double digits, coming in at 10%, the poll found.
