
MTG’s Team Goes Off On CNN ‘Fact Checker’ Over Questions About Biden


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

A self-described “fact-checker” for CNN likely did not get the response he was expecting when he attempted to pin down Republican Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene’s team over questions regarding former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election claims and drug overdose deaths from smuggled fentanyl.

Senior CNN reporter Daniel Dye, whose Twitter bio says he is “fact-checking the president, 2024 candidates, others,” noted on Twitter Wednesday in a post containing a video clip of the Georgia Republican discussing drug overdoses with a tearful witness during a congressional hearing.

“I asked Greene’s office last night about her tweet blaming the Biden administration for these deaths in 2020 under Trump. Spokesman Nick Dyer responded by saying lots of people have died from drugs under Biden and ‘do you think they give a f***k about your bullsh*t fact checking?’ Dye tweeted.

He followed that up with this: “I also gave Greene congressional spokesman Nick Dyer an opportunity to comment regarding Greene’s multiple false claims yesterday about the 2020 election, such as the lies that Trump won Georgia and that there were thousands of dead voters there. His response: ‘F*** off.'”

According to the National Safety Council, fentanyl-related deaths have skyrocketed under the Biden administration, as has smuggling of the drug from Mexico amid lax border security policies that have also seen a surge of illegal migrant crossings.


“The majority of preventable drug overdose deaths (77%) involve opioids, totaling 75,785 in 2020. Opioid drugs include both prescription and illicit drug categories,” the NSC noted in a web post. “The drug category most frequently involved in preventable opioid overdoses and growing at the fastest pace is ‘synthetic opioids other than methadone.’ This category includes fentanyl, fentanyl analogs, and tramadol.”

The NSC added: “The fentanyl category of opioids accounted for 67,325 preventable deaths in 2021, representing a 26% increase over the 53,480 total in 2020.”

Taylor Greene snapped back at Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) he made some remarks following her call for a “national divorce” on President’s Day.

“I think Abraham Lincoln dealt with that kind of insanity,” he told The Salt Lake Tribune on Tuesday. “We’re not going to divide the country. It’s united we stand and divided we fall. There are some people in my party and the other party that say things to try and get a headline and get people to send them money. And that happens to be in today’s ‘loony left,’ or I should say ‘loony right.’”

The Georgia firebrand representative hit back at Romney when she spoke to the Washington Examiner.

“Mitt Romney is so bad I couldn’t even vote for him for president against Barack Obama,” she said.

Earlier this week, Greene said she was verbally attacked while dining at a restaurant.

“I was attacked in a restaurant tonight by an insane woman and screamed at by her adult son. They had no respect for the restaurant or the staff or the other people dining or people like me who simply have different political views. They are self righteous, insane, and completely out of control. I was sitting at my table, working with my staff, and never even noticed these people until they turned into demons. People used to respect others even if they had different views. But not anymore. Our country is gone,” she said on Twitter.


The representative did not say what restaurant the incident occurred at or what was said to her.

Last month Greene demanded an audit of the financial aid that has been given to Ukraine by the United States. She added that she planned to re-introduce legislation to audit the tens of billions of dollars that have been given to Ukraine.

“It’s going to force Congress to give the American people an audit,” she said to Fox News host Tucker Carlson “And that is exactly what the American people need, an audit of Ukraine because we have no idea where all this money’s going.”

“I’m introducing this resolution, and I’m looking forward to seeing my Republican colleagues support it. There’s not bipartisan support among the American people for fighting a war in Ukraine that does nothing for Americans except force them to pay for it,” the representative said. “Ukraine is the new Iraq,” she said. “Our country is run by stupid warmongers that are so clueless and disconnected with what the American people want that they are literally leading us into World War III. That’s why I’m introducing a resolution to find out exactly where our money is going.”
