
‘She Was Supposed To Be In Charge’: MSNBC Anchor Tears Into ‘Border Czar’ Kamala Harris


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle ripped Kamala Harris for neglecting her duty as the “border czar” as the migrant crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border continues to get worse.

During a segment on her program, Ruhle questioned where Harris has been and what she is actually doing to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

“How about the message from our vice president, where is she?” Ruhle asked.

“She was supposed to be in charge of all of these migration issues, going to those Northern Triangle countries that are obviously not Haiti, that was one of her first international trips with the message do not come here illegally. People aren’t listening. What is she saying now?” Ruhle continued.

“Well, we haven’t heard a lot from the vice president. Of course, you point out she was focused on those Northern Triangle countries, a lot of her work was in Guatemala working with that government. A lot of the diplomacy which was what the vice president was focused on was with Mexico,” NBC News reporter Julia Ainsley said.

“And essentially what we’re seeing now is a breakdown of that work with Mexico. Mexico for a while was stopping a lot of migration coming from Guatemala into Mexico, keeping people from ever even reaching the U.S. border. But now Mexico became so overwhelmed with this particular migrant surge that they were beyond capacity and we were seeing Mexico essentially give up in some cases just allow buses through their country to the U.S. border, which is how so many people got here so quickly,” Ainsley added.


Texas GOP Rep. August Pfluger released several shocking photos over the weekend exposing just how bad Joe Biden’s border crisis has gotten.

Pfluger took to Twitter to share images from Del Rio, Texas, where he wrote that it “has reached a boiling point.”


“Devastating scenes from Del Rio today. I’ve talked to local leaders and seasoned law enforcement officers—the number 1 thing I’m hearing is this the worst they have ever seen it,” Pfluger wrote. “Where is the Administration? What is it going to take to get @POTUS and @VP ‘s attention on this?”

Videos and images went viral late last week showing thousands of illegal immigrants underneath a bridge near Del Rio, Texas.

The Federal Aviation Administration imposed the no-fly zone for drones and other unmanned aircraft in Del Rio, which was clearly an attempt to conceal just how bad the border crisis has gotten.

Now, some lawmakers are arguing that the ban may not be legal.

“I believe that the reason that they’re limiting drone usage is that they don’t want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal,” Louisiana GOP Sen. John Kennedy said.

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson also questioned the drone ban, which he argued was being used by the press to cover the border crisis.

“Any government stifling of First Amendment activities is unacceptable,” Johnson wrote to Troy Miller, acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


While the Biden administration ignored the deteriorating situation, Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott directed State Troopers and National Guard personnel to secure the border.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called on Joe Biden to deploy National Guard along the southern border.

“The Biden Administration must recognize this for what it is: A National Security Crisis. As such he must fully deploy the National Guard to the southern border to help our Border Patrol agents with more resources to control the situation.

“Recently, over 10,000 migrants have surged to the border in Del Rio. It is no coincidence this is happening as Democrats in Congress are moving to pass legislation that would grant immediate citizenship for up to 10 million illegal immigrants. This is a wakeup call to Democrats that their policies are putting American lives in danger and must be abandoned,” McCarthy said.

Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz traveled to the bridge and called it “the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen.”

“The reason they’re here is simple,” Cruz notes in the video, which pans the area behind him, showing a mass of migrants. “Eight days ago, the Biden administration made a political decision, a political decision to cancel deportation flights to Haiti. They did that on September 8th. Eight days later these numbers appear.”

“On September 8th, underneath this bridge, there were between 700 and a thousand people,” Cruz went on. “But when the word got out that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were no longer deporting people that came from Haiti, suddenly everyone was here, called their friends, called their family, and the numbers surged to 10,503. That’s what’s here today. It is more than the capacity of the Border Patrol to handle.”

“This is the result of a political decision,” Cruz noted further. “This is the result that is indefensible. What we are seeing here, is wrong. This is inhumane and this is entirely caused by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.”
