
Trump Comforts Grieving Gold Star Mom Who Says She Was Disrespected by Biden


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Donald Trump stepped in this week to issue a message to a grieving Gold Star mother who alleged that Joe Biden disrespected her after his decisions got her son killed in Afghanistan.

Shana Chappell took to Facebook after she met with Biden during the dignified transfer of her son’s remains at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Sunday.

Her son, Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Mae’Lee Grant Nikoui, tragically died at the airport in Kabul after an attack, which also killed 12 other U.S. service members.

“President Joe Biden … This msg is for you!” Chappell wrote on Facebook. “I know my face is etched into your brain! I was able to look you straight in the eyes yesterday and have words with you. After i lay my son to rest you will be seeing me again!” she wrote.

“Remember i am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was letting you know i would never get to hug my son again, hear his laugh and then you tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story and i had to tell you that this isn’t about you so don’t make it about you!!!” she added.


“You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how i feel and i let you know that you don’t know how i feel and you do not have the right to tell me you know how i feel!” she said.

“[You] then rolled your f***ing eyes in your head like you were annoyed with me and i let you know that the only reason i was talking to you was out of respect for my son and that was the only reason why I then proceeded to tell you again how you took my son away from me and how i will never get to hug him, kiss him, laugh with him again etc… [You] turned to walk away,” she said.

Trump responded with a statement through his Save America PAC and offered her love and compassion.


The vast majority of American voters believe Biden should resign as president following the disastrous withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. 

According to Rasmussen Reports on Wednesday, a poll asked respondents: “Should President Joe Biden resign because of the way the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled?”

Some 52 percent of likely U.S. voters responded that they believe Biden should resign, in a poll that was taken over telephone and online nationally. 

According to the poll, only 39 percent of likely U.S. voters disagreed, following 9 percent who said they are not sure. 

A large percentage of Democrats, or 32 percent, also believe that Biden should resign for how he handled the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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