
Trump Names Newest Member Of Cabinet If He Wins


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former President Donald Trump has been putting forward the names of friends and political allies for top jobs in his second administration. This has led to more rumors about who he might choose for key Cabinet and White House jobs.

In his many campaign stops across the country, the former president often casually hints that some of his supporters will soon get jobs in his government. Trump doesn’t promise specific jobs, but the list of candidates shows who might be on his shortlist for important positions and shows that a second Trump Cabinet would be very different from the first.

Trump has recently praised Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Doug Burgum, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, Lee Zeldin, and Robert Lighthizer on the campaign road. All of these people are seen as possible senior positions in a second Trump term. The ex-president has also said that he wants to hire Elon Musk as a counselor.

The hints of a second-term Cabinet say that Trump will value loyalty in top positions after a term in which many senior positions changed hands. On Twitter, which was still around at the time, Trump fired some of his Cabinet members during his first term. Some quit because of problems with ethics. Some quit because they didn’t like how he responded to the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Kennedy, a former Democrat and member of the famous political family, looks like a likely choice for a top job if Trump gets a second term. Before Kennedy gave up on running for president and backed Trump, the former president told CNN that he would “certainly be open” to Kennedy working for him.

While Trump was still campaigning for president, Kennedy became an honored co-chair of his transition team and has been campaigning with him.

“Bobby will do great on health and on the environment,” Trump said in a September interview with the news outlet Full Measure.



When asked if that meant being in charge of the Health and Human Services Department, Trump said, “No, no.” There is no meaning to it. It could be, but I didn’t make any deals with anyone because now is not the right time to do so. It’s too early.

Kennedy has long made unproven claims against vaccines. He has also given a lot of ideas for how a future Trump government could handle health and environmental issues, mostly based on his “Make America Healthy Again” idea.

Trump has managed to attract three former Democrats — billionaire Elon Musk, former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the latter of whom ran for president as an Independent after his party shunned his candidacy in favor of anointing Vice President Kamala Harris as President Biden’s successor.

During Sharyl Attkisson’s syndicated show “Full Measure” back in August, the anchor asked Trump if he had any “specific positions” in mind for the the trio of former Democrats should he manage to retake the White House following the November election.

“Three people, by the way, who were Democrats or, in the case of Musk, I don’t know, at least supported Democrats. What specific positions do you see them holding?” she asked.

Trump said that so far, he had not made a commitment to any of them, but he did praise RFK Jr.’s work to make the country healthier.

“I mean, he’s been fighting for this for years,” Trump said. “He looks at other countries where they don’t use chemicals, or they use much less than we use. And the people are healthier than they are in the United States, which is not that healthy a country.”

He also praised Kennedy’s views on the environment, which have been decidedly left-leaning in the past, while also lauding Gabbard.

“We’ll be energy independent, but we’ll actually be energy dominant again. And we’re gonna make a lot of money. We’re gonna pay off debt, we’re gonna pay down debt, and we’re going to do things that nobody would’ve thought possible. But Bobby’s great,” said Trump.

“Tulsi has always been good from the standpoint of common sense. She’s like a common sense person. I’ve watched her for a long time on shows. I’ve known her a little bit. And it was a great honor when we got her. She’s, you’re right. She was a Democrat and popular too, in Hawaii. And she will be, she will be terrific,” he added.

Attkisson then moved to question Trump about a potential administration role for Musk.


“Well, Elon is Elon. I mean, Elon is, he’s endorsed me very powerfully,” Trump said. “He feels this is the most important election we’ve ever had. And as you know, he probably has a couple of other things to do, but – ”

The anchor then interrupted to ask whether Musk would have a role in eliminating “government waste.”

“He’s a big cost cutter,” Trump said. “He is always been very good at it and I’m good at it. But Elon, I’ll tell you what, he will go in and he’ll say, ‘This is what you have to do. You have to do this.’ He is so into that. He feels there’s so much waste and fat in this country. And he’s right,” Trump noted.

Trump went on to praise Musk’s cost-cutting ways and said he appreciated the billionaire entrepreneur’s support.

“He’s a hundred percent right. And he’s been just great. He’s given me ringing endorsements, even though I disagree with him a little bit on the electric car. But he agrees with me from the standpoint that not every car should be electric,” Trump, who has said Americans should be able to have a choice about what vehicles they drive, added.

A SuperPAC funded in large part by Musk launched a series of digital ads aimed initially at swing state voters in support of Trump earlier this month with distinct, direct language.

“If you sit this election out, Kamala and the crazies will win,” notes one ad on Google’s YouTube, which has been viewed more than three million times. “You will be stuck with higher costs and more illegals invading our country.” It also depicts Trump as an “American Badass,” using imagery of him pumping his first in the air following the July assassination attempt and imploring everyone to “fight, fight, fight!”

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