
As War Rages In Ukraine, President Biden Heads To Delaware


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

In the midst of war the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has decided to stay in his nation and show bravery in the face of a Russian invasion. The President of the United States chose another path.

As war rages in Ukraine President Joe Biden has decided to leave the White House and head to Delaware for the weekend, The New York Post reported.

Biden’s public schedule issued by The White House showed that the commander-in-chief would spend the weekend in Wilmington, as the largest war in Europe since 1945 entered its third day.

The president, 79, and First Lady Jill Biden, 70, were photographed boarding a Marine One helicopter for the 100 mile jaunt home on Friday.

Biden spent 28 percent of his first year as president in Delaware, drawing the ire of critics who claim his administration is not transparent about his activities away from Pennsylvania Avenue, The Post reported.

A reporter asked about the president’s trip to his home state during a press briefing with White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday.

“The President is obviously now going to be in Delaware this weekend.  Can you share what he will be doing there?  Will he be traveling with members of his national security team?  Will he be receiving regular updates on Ukraine?” the reporter said.


“Sure.  He will have a meeting with members of his national security team tomorrow in Delaware.  I will note that, while every president can work from anywhere they are, because that is how presidencies are equipped, he is traveling to Delaware for the memorial service of a family member.  And he will be — that is why he’s traveling there this weekend,” the press secretary said.

“Just to follow up on that question: Does the President have special secure facilities in Wilmington?  We know that, obviously, at Camp David that is something available.  Given the national security crisis, is that something that is also available?” another reporter said.

“The President has the capacity to make a secure call from anywhere he is, yes,” she said.

“Biden is going to Delaware to attend the memorial service of a family member, per @PressSec. The mother of Hallie Biden, the president’s daughter-in-law, passed away last Sunday,” Associated Press reporter Darlene Superville said on Twitter.

On Friday, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky appeared to take a swipe at United States President Joe Biden and his lack of help as his nation is being bombarded by Russia.

“This morning we are defending our state alone. Like yesterday, the world’s most powerful forces are watching from afar,” he said. “Did yesterday’s sanctions convince Russia? We hear in our sky and see on our earth that this was not enough.”

In other words, as many predicted, Russian President Vladimir Putin does not care about sanctions.

“We are left alone in defense of our state. Who is ready to fight with us? Honestly – I do not see such. Who is ready to guarantee Ukraine’s accession to NATO? Honestly, everyone is afraid. … I tell all the partners of our state: now is an important moment – the fate of our country is being decided. I ask them: are you with us? They answer that they are with us. But they are not ready to take us to the Alliance. Today, I asked the twenty-seven leaders of Europe whether Ukraine will be in NATO. I asked directly. Everyone is afraid. They do not answer,” the Ukrainian president said.


“And we are not afraid of anything. We are not afraid to defend our state. We are not afraid of Russia. We are not afraid to talk to Russia. We are not afraid to say everything about security guarantees for our state. We are not afraid to talk about neutral status. We are not in NATO now. But the main thing – what security guarantees will we have? And what specific countries will give them?” he said.

He also talked about being a target for assassination by the Russians.

“I know that a lot of misinformation and rumors are being spread now. In particular, it is claimed that I have left Kyiv. I remain in the capital; I am staying with my people. My family is not a traitor, but a citizen of Ukraine. According to our information, the enemy marked me as the number one target,” he said.

“My family is the number two goal. They want to destroy Ukraine politically by destroying the Head of State. We have information that enemy sabotage groups have entered Kyiv. … I am staying in the government quarter together with others,” he said.
