
Mulvaney: Mar-a-Lago ‘Rat’ Who Tipped Off FBI Would Have To Be ‘Very Close’ To Trump


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

A former Trump administration figure has offered an idea on who he believes tipped off the FBI prior to the bureau raiding former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida earlier this week.

During an interview on CNN, Mick Mulvaney, who served as acting chief of staff during Trump’s presidency, said he believes someone within Trump’s circle could have tipped off the FBI ahead of the raid.

Below is a transcript of the exchange with CNN’s Brianna Keilar:

KEILAR: “She said that this has to do with classified documents. We should be clear about this. That this isn’t just a Presidential Records Act thing. I do want to ask you because you’ve seen this ‘Journal’ report that says someone in Trump’s orbit. So, this is someone with knowledge inside who told the feds that there was additional material at Mar-a-Lago, directed them where it should be, clearly was concerned enough to tell them this, the information they should have besides those 15 boxes of material they got in the winter. Does that change your mind? Is that now sufficient when you have someone actually aligned with him drawing the attention of the Feds to these documents?”

MULVANEY: “No, it certainly is worthwhile and it’s certainly worth noting, there is no question. It would be valid on getting a search warrant or at least part of getting a search warrant. Other thing the FBI had to establish, however, was that those documents were in imminent risk of being destroyed or removed from the location. Unless they had evidence that Trump was directing people to destroy documents, and if he was doing that now, why wasn’t he doing that six months ago. Look, yes, you are correct, you said on your lead-in that Trump has the ability to release the warrant. He could do that. He has the ability to release the receipt of the things that were taken, he could do that. The FBI also could release the affidavit they gave to the court in order to obtain the search warrant.”


KEILAR: “How close do you think that person in Trump’s orbit would have to be to know the details about where the documents were?”

MULVANEY: “Really close. That’s a good question. Really close. I didn’t know there was a safe at Mar-a-Lago and I was the chief of staff for 15 months. So, this would be someone handling things on day to day, who knew where documents were, so it would be somebody very close inside the president, my guess is there is probably six or eight people who had that kind of information. I don’t know the people on the inside circle these days so I can’t give any names of folks who come to mind, but your instinct I think is a good one, is that if you know where the safe is, and you know the documents are in ten boxes in the basement, you are pretty close to the president.”



Eric Trump revealed on Wednesday that security cameras at Mar-a-Lago captured FBI agents “behaving improperly” during the raid on Donald Trump’s home.

The former president’s son alleged that agents were accessing parts of Donald Trump’s Florida residence that they “shouldn’t have been.”

Eric Trump said staff refused to turn off the surveillance cameras at the request of the FBI and that they captured agents raiding areas that they weren’t authorized to.

He also said the FBI agents broke into Donald Trump’s personal safe at Mar-a-Lago but that it was empty.

He told Fox News Channel‘s Brian Kilmeade that the safe was “empty” and that over two dozen FBI agents were involved in the raid.

He said the raid was to find documents that should have gone to the National Archives. It’s unknown if they retrieved the documents, but Eric Trump said there was nothing in the safe that the agents searched.

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