
Possible Trump Vice Presidential Pick Could Be Nightmare Scenario For Biden


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former President Donald Trump may have the golden ticket to becoming President of the United States again and it would be in the form of having a Democrat vice presidential pick.

The idea was first crafted by Trump’s former advisor and current talk show host Steve Bannon.

The host of the “War Room” podcast suggested that the former president pick current Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. to be his vice president and the idea has merit.

A recent average of polls showed Kennedy with 15 percent of the primary vote against President Biden. That is not an insignificant number.

If even half of that 15 percent were convinced to join Trump supporters and vote for a Trump / Kennedy ticket it would likely mean the end of the Biden presidency.

More concerning for Biden, 80 percent of Democrat voters polled want the president to face RFK in a debate that, judging by the majority of President Biden’s speaking engagements, could be disastrous for the president, USA Today reported.


But there is near no chance that the Democrat Party would accommodate such an idea and there is no reason for them to.

“As you know, no incumbent R [Republican] or D [Democrat] have done debates,” Kevin Munoz, a Biden campaign spokesperson, said in an email.

But not debating could also be a mistake for Biden.

“The decision not to debate is ignoring the 82% of women, 84% of union households, 86% of independents, and 90% of young voters who are not only planning to vote in their state’s Democratic primary or caucus next year but also would like to see a series of Democratic primary debates,” of Suffolk’s Political Research Center director, David Paleologos, said.

Another Democrat candidate, Marianne Williamson, said that not debating is another form of voter suppression.

“Candidate suppression is a form of voter suppression, and the party that purports to be the champion of democracy should not be so wary of it in our own house,” she said in an opinion piece for Newsweek.

He said he first made the suggestion during an event for the American Freedom Alliance.


“I said, look, I’m a Kari Lake person, but if Kari Lake becomes governor, as she should, if this court case, or if not, she runs for the Senate, if she’s not available to be Trump’s VP, that Bobby Kennedy would be, I think, be an excellent choice for President Trump to consider,” he said.

He said that the crowd met his idea with a standing ovation.

“This was a hardcore, this was a very hardcore MAGA, War Room Posse crowd,” he said. “I think that that is a signal to the political elites in this country that something very different is going on, and I thought it was quite extraordinary.”

Yes there is likely no chance the Democrat National Committee ever allows him to get on a debate stage with Biden, but his poll numbers are extraordinary.

“This latest poll is sending shockwaves among the political class in Washington DC,” Kennedy’s team said in an email to supporters last week, Daily Express reported.

“After being in the race less than two months, Kennedy is viewed favorably by 49 percent of those polled, while Biden is at 45 percent, and Trump comes in third at only 43 percent,” it said.

“These are amazing results, but they confirm what many of us already know,” his email said.

“Like you, millions of Americans are tired of the endless division, censorship, and outright propaganda coming from Washington DC.

“But they can’t ignore us any longer. Yesterday, Mr. Kennedy was on Joe Rogan’s podcast that reaches hundreds of millions each month, and we’re getting more requests every day for Mr. Kennedy to speak across the country,” it said.

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