
Michigan County Votes To Pursue 2020 Election Hand-Recount


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

A county in Michigan has voted in favor of a hand-recount of its 2020 presidential election ballots and will hire an outside firm to investigate any possible voting machine tampering.

The Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners voted 4-3 to send a letter to the state elections director seeking a hand recount of the ballots and a comparison of the results with those reported after the Nov. 3 election, The Hill reported.

Donald Trump won the county with 64% but Joe Biden won Michigan by 154,000 votes.

The board also proposed hiring an “accredited election auditor” to examine whether the county’s voting equipment had been “in communication with any unauthorized computer and whether there is any evidence that any unauthorized computer actually manipulated” the votes.

“As commissioners, we have heard from many of our constituents expressing concerns/questions” about the election, said Chairman John Wallace.

“We believe we have a responsibility to address these concerns/questions,” Wallace added.

Now, here’s where things get tricky.


Michigan’s election system is overseen by the Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Benson’s spokesperson, Tracy Wimmer, said they will review the letter and respond to the commission.

In other words, it’s hard to imagine that Democrats will allow this to proceed, but it’s a good start for Republicans in the battleground state.

Democrats across the country have come out against audits of the 2020 election.

Late last week, Colorado Democrat Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced the state is adopting “emergency elections rules” to ban third parties from accessing voting equipment in the state.

Effective immediately, the new rules prohibit any third-party individual or vendor from accessing any component of a county’s voting equipment in Colorado, according to a news release.

Per the rules, a person can only access a county’s voting system if they are an employee of the county clerk, an employee of the voting system provider, an employee of the Secretary of State’s office, or an appointed election judge.

They must also have passed a comprehensive criminal background check.

Many have been arguing for months that the election audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, could pave the way for many other states to follow.

Maricopa County has completed the hand counting of 2,089,563 ballots.

Now, the remaining paper evaluation process will be finished by next week.


Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward recently provided a major update on the audit and what comes next.

Last week, it was revealed that a whopping nine state delegations will tour the Maricopa County audit facility on Friday.

Ward, who threatened that there “could be arrests of people who are refusing to comply,” says the audit could be completed much sooner than expected.
