
Wayne Allyn Root Predicts Dems Will Try To ‘Install’ Hillary Clinton As President


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Reports have been surfacing for weeks that there’s tension boiling between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

And one top conservative columnist is predicting that Democrats may be hatching a plan for Hillary Clinton to take over as Biden is cratering.

In a column for Townhall, titled, “Get Ready For President Hillary Clinton,” Wayne Allyn Root said he believes Democrats could be considering a plan that would make Hillary Clinton the president.

Root wrote:

Democrats (i.e., the party of radical, insane, and hateful socialists, Marxists, and communists) are getting ready to install Hillary Clinton as president of the United States.

You might ask, “How will they do it?” The answer is simple.

Biden is finished. He served his useful purpose. He provided a white, experienced, grandfatherly, supposedly “moderate” face to serve at the top of the presidential ticket. The mail-in ballot fraud got the Democrats 90% of the way home in rigging and stealing the 2020 election. And Biden’s “white moderate grandfather” routine did the rest: He fooled just enough clueless and naive voters in a handful of battleground states to finish the job.

But the jig is up. Biden’s approval is now in the unimaginable 30% range. That means he has no one left on his side but friends, family, campaign aides, Democratic Kool-Aid drinkers, welfare addicts, and migrants.

He continued:

Everyone with a brain, who isn’t blind, deaf, or really dumb, now understands Biden is brain-dead. It’s hard to miss the daily decline in Biden’s ability to think and communicate. Democratic puppet masters have no choice anymore but to throw grandpa from the train.


Biden’s days are numbered before he will be forced to step down after admitting he can’t do the job anymore due to rapidly advancing dementia.

Biden is as good as gone. At this point, it’s only a matter of when.

That would make Vice President Kamala Harris president. We all know that’s not going to happen. I believe she is the most deeply flawed, despised, and unpopular vice president in the history of America, and maybe in the history of the world too. Her 28% approval rating makes Biden seem popular.

Harris’ problem is no one likes her. Not men, not women, not white nor black people. She is a talentless empty suit, with an evil, insane laugh, who allegedly screwed her way to the top (e.g., her involvement with married Willie Brown Jr.). Normally women support Democrats by a wide margin. Not this time. Women hate talentless women who screw their way to the top. So, Democrats have a big problem. Everyone hates Harris.

Harris has to go too.

Root rounded out his piece with a very bold prediction:

Here’s my crystal ball. Democrats will demand Harris’ resignation. She’ll cite “personal reasons” or “family issues.” Then corrupt Democrat billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You’ll never hear from Harris again.

Next, they’ll name Hillary Clinton vice president.

Very quickly after that, they’ll start planting nonstop stories in the media claiming Biden’s aides see him in dramatic mental decline. After 3 to 6 months of those stories in the media, Biden will make his touching goodbye announcement and ride off to a nursing home specializing in dementia patients. And like Harris, Jill Biden will get a $25 million mansion as an incentive to shut her mouth and never be heard from again.

Just like that, Hillary Clinton is president of the United States.

Rumors are flying that Biden’s administration is at least looking into the idea of replacing Harris as vice president and having her nominated to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

White House insiders are painting a picture of total chaos and discontent between Biden and Harris, according to CNN.

“Kamala Harris is a leader but is not being put in positions to lead,” a top Democratic donor said. “[Biden] should be putting her in positions to succeed, as opposed to putting weights on her. If you did give her the ability to step up and help her lead, it would strengthen you and strengthen the party.”

The CNN report also claims there’s a rumor that Biden has considered booting Harris from the vice presidency altogether and nominating her to a Supreme Court vacancy.

“That chatter has already reached top levels of the Biden orbit, according to one person who’s heard it,” CNN reported.

CNN’s report claims Biden allies in the administration have avoided dealing with Harris because they see “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” from her.


Allies to Harris have essentially accused members of Biden’s circle of being racist for not defending her.

A former Harris staffer, who spoke to current aides and Harris allies, said, “It’s hard to miss the specific energy that the White House brings to defend a white man, knowing that Kamala Harris has spent almost a year taking a lot of the hits that the West Wing didn’t want to take themselves.”

Over the summer, a new survey revealed that several Democrat strategists are alarmed at Harris’ sinking poll numbers and are questioning whether she would actually harm the party in the 2022 midterm elections.

With Harris being so unpopular, strategists worry that she won’t be able to help Democrats on the campaign trail next November.

Harris has become the most unpopular vice president six months into an administration since at least the 1970s.
