
Steve Bannon Weighs In On 2022


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon is making a major prediction ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

While speaking to a group of Boston Republicans, Bannon said Trump will come roaring back to solidify his place as the leader of the Republican Party.

“Going forward, we can transform the Republican Party into more of a MAGA movement … just immerse the (Make America Great Again) movement with the Republican Party, and we’re going to have massive victories in the future,” Bannon said.

During his talk to the West Roxbury Ward 20 Republican Committee, Bannon even floated the idea of Trump becoming a member of the Congress, becoming Speaker of the House in 2022, and then impeaching Joe Biden.

“Trump is a disruptor, but he has a long-term vision because I absolutely believe in the marrow of my bones that he will be our nominee in 2024,” Bannon later added. “He’ll come back to us. We’ll have a sweeping victory in 2022, and he’ll lead us in 2024.”


“We totally get rid of Nancy Pelosi, and the first act of President Trump as speaker will be to impeach Joe Biden for his illegitimate activities of stealing the presidency,” Bannon said.

Bannon told the crowd that they “need to confront this radical Biden administration every day.”

Politics should no longer be thought of as Republicans versus Democrats, he stressed during his talk.

“It’s between populists, nationalists, traditionalists versus these kinds of globalists, elites, secular radicals,” Bannon said, adding, “This is what I think the future of this movement is… We’re going to have a big aspect of disaffected Democrats that start to come over.”


Lou Murray, the chair of the West Roxbury Ward 20 Republican Committee, also said that “more traditionally-minded Democrats” will leave the party because of the “radicalism” of Biden’s administration.

“I 100% agree with that,” Murray said, later adding, “The Trump brand isn’t over. The MAGA, America First message of Donald Trump is extremely popular, and that message will keep being extremely popular.”

Days before the left office, Trump and Bannon spoke several times by phone and put aside their differences after Bannon was fired from the administration back in 2017.

Trump had spoken on the phone with Bannon multiple times before leaving office, seeking guidance on how to overturn the 2020 election results.

“Trump has repeatedly spoken by phone with Steve Bannon in recent weeks to seek advice on his campaign to overturn his re-election defeat, reconciling with his once-estranged ex-White House strategist, sources tell me,” Jennifer Jacobs, a reporter from Bloomberg News, said at the time.

“Trump and Bannon have been talking regularly, multiple sources tell me. They’ve been in communication FOR WEEKS now, patching up earlier rift as Trump sought advice from anyone willing to help him fight his election defeat,” she said.

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