
‘You Unparalleled Boob’: Biden Blasted For Finally Pushing COVID Back To States


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

Joe Biden admitted on Monday that there was “no federal solution” to the COVID-19 pandemic and that these challenges should be addressed at the state level.

While speaking at the COVID-⁠19 response team’s call with the National Governors Association, Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson spoke about the challenges his state has faced while addressing the pandemic.

“And so one word of concern or encouragement for your team is that as you look towards federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let federal solution stand in the way of state solutions,” Hutchinson said. “And the production of 500 million rapid tests that will be distributed by the federal government is great. But obviously, that dries up the supply chain for the solutions that we might offer as governor.”

Biden responded, “Look, there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.”

“I’m looking at Governor Sununu on the board here. He talks about that a lot. And then it ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road, and that’s where the patient is in need of help or preventing the need for help. Look, Gov, thank you for — for what you’re doing. Thank you for the National Governors Association and Vice Chair Murphy across the river. All’s well in New Jersey, I assume, Gov,” Biden added.



“But we do know that with a rise in cases, we still have tens of millions of unvaccinated people and we’re seeing hospitalizations rise. It means our hospitals in some places are going to get overrun, but in terms of equipment — both in terms of equipment and staff. That’s why we stockpiled and prepositioned millions of gowns, gloves, masks, and ventilators. We’re mobilizing an additional 1,000 military doctors and nurses and medics to help staff hospitals,” Biden added.

“FEMA is deploying hundreds of ambulances and EMS crews to transport patients. We’ve already deployed emergency response teams in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New Mexico. We’re ready to provide more hospital beds as well,” he continued.

It didn’t take long for many on social media to slam Biden for his comments.

“And yet you spent the pandemic yelling at Ron DeSantis for saying the same thing, you unparalleled boob. Also, perhaps you should end your unconstitutional federal vaxx mandates, Captain There Is No Federal Solution,” The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro tweeted.

Arkansas GOP Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted: “When Joe Biden says ‘there is no federal solution,’ he’s trying to avoid blame for his incompetence. If he really believes this, he should rescind his unconstitutional federal mandates.”


Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott also sounded off: “Biden says there’s no federal solution to COVID and that this gets solved at a state level. He should immediately end his unconstitutional federal mandates. The Texas solution is no mandates and personal responsibility.”

Many others shared similar thoughts on Twitter:

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