
Johnson Planning ‘Very Aggressive 100 Days’ Under GOP-Controlled Congress, White House


OPINION: This article may contain commentary which reflects the author's opinion.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said he plans to remain the leader of the GOP and the chamber following the 2024 election while pledging an “aggressive 100 days” under a Republican-controlled Congress and White House.

During an interview, Johnson hinted that he would prefer to retain his position at the top of the conference, regardless of whether they maintain the House majority.

“I have not given a lot of thought about the next Congress because I’m so busy with my responsibilities right now. My intention is to stay as Speaker and stay in leadership because we’re laying a lot of important groundwork right now for the big work that we’ll be doing,” Johnson said.

“But each day has enough concern of its own right now. And I’ve got – we’ve got a very full, very busy agenda right now. And that’s where my focus is.”

He also provided Fox News with a glimpse of his priorities for Congress in 2025, expressing optimism that the GOP would enter the new year having secured the House majority, as well as winning control of the Senate and White House.

“We would absolutely turn our attention to securing the border and ending the catastrophe that the Biden administration has created. Obviously, we would continue to address the China threat and increase our stature on the world stage. That’s what the White House would be focused on, and we would give assistance in the House in every way possible,” he said.

Johnson also identified strengthening U.S. defense capabilities, tax reform, and investigating the weaponization of the federal government as additional priorities. He also emphasized the need for legislative progress on artificial intelligence, Fox News added.


“We’d have a very aggressive first 100 days of the Congress agenda, and we’re kind of excited about that prospect,” Johnson said.

Things have gone from bad to worse for President Joe Biden.

In an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll, former President Donald Trump defeated Biden 40% to 38%, drawing a near-tie in a volatile electorate as the candidates get underway.

“Nearly eight months out, the election is not set yet. One in four surveyed said they might change their minds before November. That unsettled sentiment was bipartisan, including 14% of Biden voters and 15% of Trump voters,” USA Today reported.

The outlet added: “Most of those now backing a third-party candidate said they were open to changing their minds, among them 75% of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. supporters and 94% of Jill Stein supporters. That signals the potential erosion independent candidates often see as Election Day nears. It also provides a big opportunity for each major-party candidate to make his case to voters who are now reluctant to support him and to convince those voters that it would be dangerous or unwise to back the other guy.”

Concerns about immigration (24%) and challenges to democracy (23%) trailed closely behind voters’ rankings of inflation and the economy, which accounted for 29% of their vote.

Abortion was the only other topic to reach double digits, coming in at 10%, the poll found.

Another new survey shows Biden falling further behind Trump on the issues voters care most about this election year.

According to the ABC/Ipsos poll conducted between March 8 and 9, 36 percent of respondents said that they trusted Trump compared to 33 percent who said they trusted Biden, while 30 percent said neither candidate had their trust.


Trump received higher ratings than Biden on all issues except abortion and climate change when respondents were asked about their opinions on the job performance of both presidents.

Trump garnered a 49 percent favorable rating on the economy, contrasting with Biden’s 37 percent.

Regarding inflation, 45 percent approved of Trump, compared to 31 percent for Biden. Regarding crime, Trump was viewed more favorably at 41 percent compared to Biden’s 35 percent.

On the issue of immigration, Trump received a 45 percent favorable rating, while Biden trailed with 29 percent.
